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Press Release  |  Admission 

Carroll Prospective Student Open House Nov. 9

Oct 15, 2018

The Kristina Flores Overcoming All Odds Scholarship

The Kristina Flores Overcoming All Odds Scholarship was created both to honor the life and achievements of Kristina Flores, who passed on tragically at the age of 23, and to honor and encourage the education of young people who are also are faced with overwhelming obstacles that might have prevented them from completing high school but did not. The scholarship will go to the person who best represents themselves through their application with an emphasis on their essay. The continuing education requirements are intentionally loose for this scholarship.

The Quality Company Formations Scholarship

Our scholarship is open to all students studying at an officially recognised or listed UK and US higher learning or further education institution, and it is specifically designed to supplement each student’s annual income, to enable them to spend more time pursuing and developing a new business idea.

Balboa Horizons Future Hotizons Yearly Scholarship

The Future Horizons award winner will receive $2,000 as a scholarship towards tuition and fees at any accredited four-year college or university in the United States. Payment will be made directly to the student’s college or university.

Internet Marketing Scholarship From Officeideas

Officeideas excited to announce our annual $1,000 scholarship, which is available to college students of all majors who submit a unique, catchy essay of 1000- 1500 words.  Here is the link to the application page on our website:

Eligibility and application details are included below.
•    A high school senior that has been accepted to an accredited university or
•    A current undergraduate student enrolled in an accredited university.

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