Jenessa McElrath

Jenessa is a Solutions Executive at LeanTaaS, a Santa Clara-based healthcare technology company, working alongside hospital administrators to improve the operations of their surgical services. Prior to joining LeanTaaS, she leveraged the skills honed in her Public Health degree from Carroll College at both UNC Hospitals (Chapel Hill, NC) and the UCHealth Anschutz Medical Campus (Denver, CO) with a focus on increasing access to critical healthcare services. 

Jenessa McElrath
Joseph Zepeda

"I majored in math and physics at Carroll and I'm currently a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame pursuing a Ph.D. in Physics. My area of interest is in stellar astrophysics; we seek to understand the first stars. Unfortunately, the first stars all exploded billions of years ago so we can only study the stars that came after them, produced from the ejected materials of these first stars."

See more in the video below.

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