Theatre Presents Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream March 11-21

Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream graphic

Theatre Producing Immersive, COVID-Friendly Adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream

HELENA – Carroll College Theatre will be producing an immersive theatrical performance of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the Carroll College FLEX Theatre, March 11-21.

One of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies portrays the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, Duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, former Queen of the Amazons. It depicts the quarrels and adventures of four lovers and a group of amateur actors who find themselves in a forest, bewitched by mischievous fairies. This story of love, jealousy, and passion make for an eventful night indeed, full of love spells, transfiguration, and other magical hijinks in our theatre turned magical woods.

In this immersive theatrical experience, rather than a stage and seating, the whole theatre has been converted into the Athenian forest where attendees will sit around the perimeter of the room, guided by fairies in order to see the major events of the production. Audience members, who all get front row seats, will be socially distanced with their pod/family group. Mask wearing is required for all actors, staff, crew and audience members.

For those who prefer to stay home, a customized livestream is also available. Carroll Theatre techs and camera fairies will follow the characters as the story evolves, providing a multi-camera, immersive experience for those at home.  


  • The show is approximately 1.5 hours.
  •  More information can be found on the Carroll College Theatre Facebook page, as well as at
  • The show will be performed live March 11, 12, 13, 19, 20 at 7:30 pm, and March 14 and 21 at 2:30 pm. 
  • There is an additional livestream-only performance on March 18 at 7:30 pm. 
  • Livestream tickets are available online at Tickets are $13 for an individual stream pass, $26 for a group stream pass, and $5 or $10 for those with a current Carroll College ID. There is a $1 technology fee added to each ticket.
  • In-person tickets can be purchased online at the Carroll College Marketplace.
  • In-person tickets are $5 for individuals with a current Carroll ID and those under 13, $10 for students from other schools and seniors, and $15 for general admission.
  • A maximum of 20 audience members will be allowed for each performance. You can purchase tickets at the door 60 minutes prior to the performance, but with limited seating, advance online purchase is recommended.

For more information contact:

Kim Shire
Associate Professor of Theatre
Carroll College