Need a little boost writing your paper? Make an appointment with a Peer Writing Consultant today!
Academic Tutoring
Schedule & Sign-up
Need a little help on a writing assignment? Carroll’s Writing Center has launched a website that can give you the boost you need. You can find writing resources that can help you sharpen a thesis statement, craft a stellar introduction, or show you how to make your style flow more smoothly.
And you can also go to the page to sign up for an appointment with one of our experienced peer writing consultants. Although a website can help, there’s nothing better than one-on-one with a tutor who is trained to understand what you need and to help you produce the best piece of writing you can, whether it’s a research paper, informal essay, or a resume for that job you’re hoping get.
You can either sign up for an appointment at our website or by going to “Academic Tutoring” on any Moodle page. You will find our hours below, and if there is not an appointment available for your schedule, reach out to me, Prof. Jeff Morris, the Director of the Writing Center.
Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you in The Writing Center soon.
Dr. Jeff Morris
Professor of English
Director Simperman Learning Commons-Writing
Writing Center Hours, Spring 2021 Semester
From Monday, February 1 until Thursday, May 6, the Writing Center's hours are:
- Monday: 7-8:30 pm
- Tuesday: 12:30-2 pm and 7-8 pm
- Wednesday: 6-8 pm
- Thursday: 12:30-2 pm and 7-8:30 pm