Sigma Beta Delta participates in micro-loan crowdfunding project

Sigma Beta Delta 2024

Pictured are members of the Carroll Business Department’s chapter of Sigma Beta Delta, an international honor society, participating in their project to benefit humanity in spring 2024. (Pictured are Kaitlyn Fellows, Andrew Denegar, Delaney Boyle, James Lang, Savannah Rydalch, Megan Baxter, and Isaac Schilter.)

The group engages in micro-loan crowdfunding for entrepreneurs throughout the world through New borrowers that the group funded were from a variety of countries, including Togo, Samoa, and the Philippines. The loans were for purposes such as the manufacture of cement blocks, purchases of livestock, and furniture-making. 

Carroll’s chapter of Sigma Beta Delta ranks in the top 98th percentile of Kiva lenders and has lent approximately $10,000 to entrepreneurs in 40 countries.