Saints Safety Message: October 2023

Avoid Slips, Trips, and Falls 

(Report all hazards to

  • Wear slip-resistant, comfortable footwear.
  • Tread carefully while walking, especially on sloped surfaces or stairs. 
  • Take slow, small steps, and avoid carrying heavy loads that may offset your balance.
  • Be extra careful when entering and exiting vehicles.
  • Watch out for slippery surfaces inside buildings. 
  • Be cognizant of large amounts of snow falling from rooftops etc.  

Fight Frostbite

  • Limit your time outdoors in cold, wet, or windy weather, and layer in loose, warm clothing. 
  • Change out of wet clothing as soon as possible.
  • Know the symptoms of frostbite: burning, numbness, tingling, and itching in the affected areas.
  • Seek medical attention if you think you have frostbite. 
  • Dress appropriately for the conditions (Hat, gloves, coats).  

Motor Vehicle Safe Tips in Montana

  • Allow extra time to get to your destination.
  • Clean off your car from obstructions including the hood and roof.
  • DO NOT USE cruise control. 
  • Always, always, always…BUCKLE UP! 
  • Slow down in poor visibility conditions.
  • Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.
  • Expect ice on bridges and in shady spots.
  • Don’t pass snowplows unless it’s absolutely necessary.