Carroll once again hosted a Montana GEAR UP Academic Summer Camp this past June. Carroll’s “Preserving the Planet” camp focused on the preservation of the world and its cultures through an investigation of indigenous societies in Montana and throughout the world and the conservation of the environment.
As part of the 7-day camp, participants from Montana’s Indian reservations learned about horses through Carroll’s anthrozoology program. Instructors included Dr. Marie Suthers, professor of anthrozoology, as well as anthrozoology student volunteers.
One of the activities involved painting one of the Dr. Suthers’ horses, Scarlet, in war paint. Each student was given an opportunity to select a color and a symbol to paint on her. The colors and symbols all have meaning.
Montana GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is funded through a U.S. Department of Education grant and serves to encourage and provide resources to schools, students and their families to make postsecondary education possible for all Montana students, regardless of economic background. The summer camps serve to introduce high school and middle school students to some of Montana’s colleges as well as help them acquire skills and confidence to achieve college readiness.
Pictured from left to right: Mindy Ogilvie (senior ANZ student), Dee Villalta (2017 ANZ grad), Kaitlin Schuttler (2016 ANZ grad), Jessica Cornell (senior ANZ student), and Dr. Marie Suthers.