Library Renovation Guide

3 Things to Know About the Renovation
- (UPDATED) The Library building will reopen Monday, March 11!
- All Library services and the library staff are available. Contact us via libstaff@carroll.edu or 406-447-4340, or find us in Simperman 147 (Watch this video to see where we are!)
- Our hours in Simperman 147 are Monday-Thursday: 7:45am – 8:00pm; and Friday: 7:45am – 4:30pm.
Where Can I Get Services?
Librarians are in Simperman 147. Need help? Visit us in person, email libstaff@carroll.edu, call 406-447-4340, or watch our Video Tutorials.
Academic Technology is in Simperman 145.
Communication Lab contact Alan Hansen.
Tutoring and Writing Center appointments via Moodle.
How Can I get Books?
- E-Resources, including e-books and articles, access via the Library & Learning Commons webpage.
- Print books, DVDs, Reference materials, email libstaff@carroll.edu. We’ll retrieve what you need so you can pick it up in Simperman 147.
Here are some places you can study on campus while waiting for library construction to finish:
- Borromeo
- Open 24/7
- Computer Lounge
- Recreation Room
- Campus Center
- Open 6:00 am to 11:00 pm
- Upper Level
- Theatre Lobby Area
- St. Charles
- Open 24/7
- Booths and lounge outside CCIT helpdesk (includes an LED fireplace!)
- Study area across from the kitchen
- Rooms 002-006 (available whenever Tutoring and Writing Center sessions are not taking place)
- Simperman
- Open 7:00 am to 10:00 pm
- SCOLA lobby
- Upper seating areas around the elevator and stairs on floors 2-4
- Booths and study areas on floors 1 and 3
- Chapel
- Open 6:00 am to 12:00 midnight
- Campus ministries lobby on lower level
- Guadalupe
- Open 24/7
- Fishbowl
- Recreation room
- O'Connell
- Open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Lower level booths
- Trinity
- Open 24/7
- Lounges on floors 1 and 3
- Computer lab
- Classrooms (when they are not in use)
The library building will not be open for finals during Fall Semester. The building will reopen at the beginning of Spring Semester.
Worth the Wait!
Your patience and understanding are appreciated. In addition to an updated interior with new furniture and study spaces, the Library will soon have many things you, the students, requested.