Join Us for a Celebration of Undergraduate Research

Chemistry News

You are invited to our Celebration of Undergraduate Research on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, from 4-6 pm on the Carroll College campus in Simperman Hall/Wiegand Amphitheatre 101/102.

This is an event to celebrate our students' accomplishments; promote faculty-mentored undergraduate research; and recognize our ongoing commitment to using undergraduate research as an educational tool to provide students with the opportunity to solve the open-ended, loosely defined, and multi-disciplinary problems faced by society.  

This event will start with Carroll College chemistry research student Elliot Wald’s research presentation titled: Metal-oxide Photovoltaic Cells Synthesized using Materials Abundant in the Martian Regolith.

At the Murdock College Science Research Conference (MCSR) last fall, Elliot received a $1,500 first-place prize for her outstanding oral research presentation. Some of this prize money is allocated to this celebration.

Following the presentation, we will move to the Fortin Science Center Scola to visit with other students about their research posters, share light d'oeuvres, and enjoy drinks provided by the Knights of Columbus.

Please join the faculty and our amazing students as we celebrate, promote, and recognize the impact of undergraduate research at Carroll College.