EWB Travels to Uganda

EWB Travels to Uganda


The Carroll College student chapter of Engineers Without Borders sent a team of five students and two mentors to Uganda from May 26 to June 8. Their mission was to enhance the sanitation system at Holy Trinity Senior Secondary School in the village of Kawango. The initial phase of this project involved installing tanks to collect rainwater runoff from the roofs of school buildings, providing a supplementary water source for washing and toilets. The team also collaborated with the local contractor, Hydro Concepts Uganda Ltd, to discuss plans for the next phase of the project, which involves upgrading the school’s existing latrine and shower facilities.

EWB Travels to Uganda

10,000 liter rainwater catchment tank installed by corner of new girls’ dormitory; Inspecting the elevated tanks used to store clean water from the school’s well.

During their stay, the Carroll students engaged in a Q&A session with Holy Trinity students, discussing their college majors and future career plans. They also trained the students in proper hygiene protocols and techniques for cleaning the jerry cans used for water storage. At the end of the team's visit, the school celebrated with a festive Mass and a ceremony to mark the official opening of Holy Trinity’s new “St. Helena Girls’ Dormitory,” funded by The Julius Foundation, a charitable organization supported by local Helena residents.

EWB Travels to Uganda

Meeting with school administrators and local contractor to plan the sanitation system; Q&A and hygiene training with students.

The EWB team was grateful to receive a $1,000 award from EWB-USA's Impact Fund to support their work on this trip. This grant was one of 30 awarded from a pool of 126 applications!


Mass of celebration and official opening of new girls’ dormitory, named in honor of St. Helena.