Engineering students inducted into Order of the Engineer

Order of the Engineer

On April 22, 2024, eight students from Dr. Recep Birgul's Structural Engineering class visited Carroll College's Nelson Stadium Enhancement Project and viewed the foundation and drainage design of the retaining walls. The students were hosted by Dick Anderson Construction Superintendent Kyle Ott and Morrison-Maierle Structural Engineer Aubrey Yerger.

Engineering student Kaden Gardner noted, "I was surprised at how many people and processes are involved in the construction of [the stadium's] retaining walls; our instructors did a great job explaining the complexity of the entire planning and building process."

The Carroll College students present were David Wassmuth, Martha Schwarz, Caleb Hoxie, Cameron Pruitt, Chloe Gallagher, Kaden Gardner, Ben Mehlhaff, and James Wong.

Structural Engineering Students Structural Engineering Students Structural Engineering Students