Election: Executive Board Applicants

Vote for Executive Board Applicants Graphic

The following are running for three positions on the 2020-21 ASCC Executive Board: President, Vice-President, and Tresurer. The Communications Director had one applicant and will win the position. 

President: Two Candidates

Hannah Lesnick

Hannah LesnickMy name is Hannah Lesnick and I am running for Student Body President to ensure that students' needs and wants will be heard and put into action! I am running for a position on Carroll’s ASCC Student Government because I want to build a cooperative community that has an impact on students long after they leave Carroll; Go Saints!

Some values and characteristics that I would bring to the Carroll College ASCC are that I am very good at time management. I am a part of many activities at Carroll including the Track and Field team as well as ASCC, and so I need to be able to use my time wisely and efficiently. I am also very dedicated to the things that I do, and I put my full focus and energy into everything that I commit myself to. I am also someone who values community. I believe that working together to solve problems and accomplish tasks is the best way to foster a vibrant campus community. As the President, I would bring that cooperative attitude to the student government, which is a vital quality in any student organization. A community is only as great as its leadership, and I believe that I have the qualities and values needed to ensure our student government leads Carroll into being an even better place for our students.

Carroll College has been a home for me for 3 + years and the college has brought so many people into my life and has helped shape me into the motivated and eager student I am today. However, some areas that Carroll needs to improve on is making buildings ADA compliant to help Carroll be more accessible to everyone. Furthermore, additional steps are needed to be taken to not only spread sexual assault awareness but to make the Carroll community aware of the resources available for survivors and provide a safe space for them. As a member of the Sexual Assault Prevention Task Force, I have worked closely with the Executive Board in strategizing ways to broadcast the importance of sexual assault awareness and the process of reporting an assault and the myriad of resources the institution has for survivors.

Finally, Carroll needs to improve on being accepting of all individuals, no matter their sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, gender, or ability. Carroll’s mission statement states that the institution is “committed to a policy of open participation by members of all religious faiths and all persons of goodwill in the total academic and spiritual experience of the college community”. Carroll College must abide by the mission statement they created and love everyone for who they are and not base their reactions on fear or anger in order to live out the College’s mission statement. As ASCC President, I will ensure these issues will continue to be addressed to make Carroll College the best, safe and accessible experience every student at this institution deserves to have.

Shae Bills

Shae BillsMy name is Shae Bills and I am running for Executive President of ASCC. I am running so that I may serve the student body of Carroll, bringing to light their concerns and hopes for this school. If elected, I would be honored to lead this campus with an attentive mind and a joyful heart!

I don’t think anyone could have predicted the crazy events of this spring semester. I am certain all of you are aware of the current status of things, so I won’t tell you anything you already know. For many students, including myself, the question being asked is, what is our role amidst this crisis, and where do we go from here. The best thing for students to do now is, care for our families, obey safety guidelines, work hard in school, and be patient. However, come next fall(ideally) we will be able to bring life back to campus in what will be a challenging, but exciting return to normalcy. If elected, it would be my priority to heed the needs of all students, new and returning, in order to involve the entire student body in what will be an amazing year. 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at sbills@carroll.edu. Additionally, I will be on campus for the remainder of the semester. For those of you back home, I can’t wait to see you in the fall! Until then, stay classy CC.


Vice President: Two CandidatesSabrina Cooks

Sabrina Crooks

My name is Sabrina Crooks, and I’m running to be your ASCC Vice President. My focus as Vice President of ASCC will be on initiatives dedicated to the emotional and physical well- being of all students. The mission of Carroll College is to develop the body, mind, and spirit of students. For this mission to occur, students first must feel safe. Without this security, the individual growth that Carroll cultivates is difficult to achieve. Therefore, as a representative of the student body, I will strive to protect the well-being of all students and act upon all voiced concerns. I believe that at the core of Carroll’s values is love and acceptance that is, “Not for school, but for life”.



Madysen HachlerMadysen Hachler

My name is Madysen and I'm running for Vice President of ASCC. I am a public health and anthrozoology major. I have been a senator for the junior class this past school year. If I am elected as Vice President I want to continue to create a culture of love and acceptance on campus. And I want to continue to help students feel safe on and off-campus. In order to create a safe space for all students, I want every student's input on how we can make Carroll even better than it is. Health and safety are a big focus of mine and I want to help students feel that on campus. Another focus of mine is sexual assault awareness and continuing what the current executive board has started. I would also like to continue to work to connect Carroll and the Helena community with events and fundraisers that support both students and the community.


Treasurer: Two Candidates

Sydney Sentieri

Sydney SentieriHi, my name is Sydney Sentieri! I am currently a junior Nursing major with a public health minor at Carroll and am running for ASCC executive treasurer. Having previous experience from being an ASCC senator this academic year, I would like to be further involved through budgeting and allow for greater club involvement through ASCC. On ASCC, I have been involved in the sexual assault prevention task force, the accessibility task force, as well as the event planning task force, and will bring a familiar face back to ASCC. As treasurer, I will ensure clubs and students have the means for resources to be acquired in order to be involved and to make events happen. I am excited to continue to represent the students of Carroll and leave you with this quote “Power isn’t control at all — power is strength and giving that strength to others. A leader isn’t someone who forces others to make her stronger; a leader is someone willing to give her strength to others that they may have the strength to stand on their own.” –Beth Revis

Rex Irby

Rex IrbyMy name is Rex Irby and I am running to be your ASCC Treasurer! I am a sophomore from Boise, Idaho and am currently pursuing a double major in History and Political Science. Following my time at Carroll, I plan on attending law school. Living on campus at Carroll allows me to participate in some of my favorite hobbies which include fishing, golf (when the weather cooperates), and watching The Office with my friends! In addition, living on campus has exposed me to the issues that require student representation. With that being said, I am running for ASCC Treasurer to improve Carroll’s campus, promote student involvement through funding club activities, meeting accommodations without bias, and facilitating a successful and welcoming environment. Alongside this, an important focus of my tenure would be to ensure that the student body understands why the faculty, staff, and ASCC make certain decisions regarding issues on campus. Overall, my main aspiration as ASCC Treasurer is to be an approachable figure on campus allowing me to be an advocate for the students who need a voice!