Combining Innovative Teaching with Service

Combining Innovative Teaching with Service

In our continued effort to enhance learning through innovative teaching methods, Carroll's Spanish 102 class, led by new adjunct faculty member Dr. Laura Rutter Strickling, embarked on a unique journey that intertwove service with language acquisition. This semester, students completed a series of service projects under the banner of "Proyectos de servicio en espaƱol," dedicating at least three hours to share the Spanish language with the community.

The purpose of SP 102 Proyectos de servicio was to integrate students' talents, interests, and desire to serve while utilizing their Spanish language skills. As students navigated the initial stages of their projects, they focused on how their efforts can benefit others while documenting the development process and evaluating the outcomes. This reflective practice encouraged continuous improvement and deeper engagement with the language.

For instance, one student created a bilingual cooking video demonstrating how to make green tamales. Another project focused on real estate vocabulary, where students developed an interactive video and vocabulary practice resources. Additionally, a group of students designed an interactive lesson on hygiene and health for young children, integrating Spanish language learning. They created an engaging PowerPoint presentation to teach children how to wash their hands and understand the importance of cleanliness, all in Spanish. Another group of students decided to learn the prayers of the rosary in Spanish and teach them to their Bible study friends. In addition, other projects included teaching younger children a Spanish song, making a podcast on Hispanic music, developing games that teach Spanish vocabulary, and attending a middle school and providing a Spanish lesson.

These projects exemplify the innovative ways our professors at Carroll College are teaching their classes and incorporating service with learning. The hands-on experience not only reinforces language skills but also fosters a sense of community and service among students. We are proud of the dedication and creativity shown by our SP 102 students and look forward to seeing how they continue to use their Spanish skills to serve others in the future.