With a 70-year history of excellence, Carroll College produces bachelor degree prepared nursing graduates who are highly sought after and receive high quality nursing instruction built upon a liberal arts foundation. It takes a special kind of individual to dedicate their life to healing and bringing comfort to others. And that’s exactly the type of person that comes to Carroll to teach or study nursing.
Carroll College has conferred 390 nursing degrees over the last 10 years, more than any other program we offer. Carroll’s nursing graduates of 2018 achieved a 100% pass rate for first-time test takers on the NCLEX-RN exam (compared to 89% nationally), and all of the graduates who were seeking job placement immediately found employment in the nursing field. Carroll nursing graduates are widely recognized and represented in the state with 545 active licensed registered nurses. The nursing program focuses on a holistic approach to health care, offering an intentional integration of theory and practical application, guided by world-class faculty who are passionate about teaching.
This fall, we will be dedicating our new state-of-the-art E. L. Wiegand Nursing Simulation Center as well as completely revamped nursing facilities. The new nursing education center at Carroll College which includes a “fleet” of high-fidelity manikin simulators, will be the most state-of-the-art center in Montana higher education.
Join our Nursing Program in 2020!
Fortunately, our Nursing Program has space available for Fall 2020! For more information on Carroll’s Nursing Program as well as possible fall application and enrollment, please contact Laurie Rodriguez in Admissions at lrodriguez@carroll.edu.