I’d like to begin by posing you all a series of questions if you’ll allow it. No matter how stupid they may sound, just bear with me. Sound good? Alright:
• Raise your hand if you sat here and heard the previous speakers?
• Now, raise your hand if in the last 20 minutes you’ve gotten distracted by any little movement, sound etc.?
• Lastly, who has the attention span of a goldfish? Ha, now you’re listening.
For those already participating, you were hesitant weren’t you to answer that last question, which means I have your full attention. For those of you that raised your hand, you are either extremely smart or you simply heard what I said but didn’t listen. And for those of you who haven’t participated, you’re likely still trying to figure out how to spell and say my name right?
But in all seriousness now: Why did I ask this series of bizarre questions? Well, if you were listening, well engaged and in the moment, you noticed that I first asked the question of whether or not you sat here and were hearing what was said in the previous speeches. Later on, when asking about the goldfish, I said that you started listening, not hearing. But what’s the difference between hearing and listening?
Hearing is much like a goldfish. A constant zoning in and out of the present, getting distracted approximately every 9-10 seconds. Now before you think that you may actually be a goldfish, there's a crazy fact that humans actually have worse attentiveness than the average goldfish, averaging 8 seconds. Crazy right?
Now listening: Listening means you're active, present, in the moment, attentive, taking everything in and processing it all. It means you’ve started to formulate questions, ideas, events about anything I’ve said thus far. Listening will lead you to start creating a vision of what your Great Adventure will look like here at Carroll College.
I know it's already [Look at time] and you’ve been on this campus for [# hours]. But here and now, I want to give you an opportunity to stop hearing, and start listening. Your Great Adventure at Carroll College started at 8AM and will come to an end in May 2027. Maybe you’ve been distracted because so much has been going on and that’s okay! But from now on, I want you to take everything in by listening.
Parents, in a few minutes from now, you will say goodbye to your son or daughter and watch them continue on the next step of their Great Adventure. You have been a solid foundation that has made them into the man or woman they are today. Know that every person at Carroll College has and will continue to pray for your student and walk alongside them every step of the way. Trust me when I say that there is not a single person on our faculty or staff who wouldn’t lift up your student when they stumble or fall. So parents, take it all in and listen. And yes, tears are allowed.
Students, St. John Paull II once said, “Carroll College is meant to be a beacon to the Church in the Northwest.” In a few moments from now, you take that step of faith and become a part of the Carroll College family. This is a big moment and I want you to listen very carefully. You are now a Carroll College Saint. Let me say that again. YOU ARE A CARROLL COLLEGE SAINT.
As you enter the Carroll College family, you will learn of the history, tradition and mission of the institution. You will wear the Carroll Crest and Carroll Halo with pride. You will join clubs, make lifelong friends and create memories that you will never forget. You will be that beacon that will change the world one step at a time. So embrace it all here and now, not later.
I want to thank all of you for choosing to make Carroll College your new home. Know that you are in my prayers and that I will always be there for you. Not just as President of the Student Body, but as one of your many new brothers and sisters that like you, accepted making Carroll College home. I look forward to seeing you all become better men and women not for school, but for life. Thank you.
Guillermo Perez
Carroll College 2023 ASCC President