April 21, 2011 QuickNotes

HOPPING FOR JOY The holiest holiday of the year is upon us, with the college closed Friday through Monday for Easter. A campus Mass update from last week's edition of QNs: Campus Ministry will offer the following celebrations for Holy Week-- TODAY (Holy Thursday) at 8:30 p.m. in Guadalupe Hall Chapel Good Friday at 3 p.m. in Guadalupe Hall Chapel NO EASTER VIGIL will be held on campus, but those wishing to attend together can meet at 9:30 p.m. in Guadalupe Hall Lounge before heading over to the Cathedral of St. Helena for the Vigil at 10 p.m. No Easter Morning Mass on campus ELECTRIFYING NEWS This week, the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) announced that a team of three Carroll students finished in the world's top 2 percent, qualifying for the official designation of  "Finalist," in the 13th annual Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM), held in February. In the contest, Carroll's top team tackled a problem examining the environmental, economic, social and health impacts of rapid social conversion to electric cars. Our top math  minds include Jennings Anderson, a junior math and computer science major from Steamboat Springs, Colo.; Grant Williams, a junior math major from Golden, Colo.; and Bryan Hurtle, a junior chemistry major from Helena, Mont. (Photo left: Left to right are Williams, Hurtle and Anderson) Find more electrifying news on our math geniuses at: http://www.carroll.edu/about/pressreleases.php?id=14795 A GOOD FRIDAY INDEED The global observance of Earth Day is tomorrow, April 22, with the Student Advocates for Valuing the Environment (S.A.V.E.) Foundation, inviting the public to a shindig at four0six, 318 North Last Chance Gulch in Helena, from 6 to 8 p.m. (four0six is owned by Carroll grad Papu Rincon). Live music, snacks, beverages and presentations by S.A.V.E. staff are on the docket, with opportunities for everyone to join in on becoming an environmental steward. S.A.V.E. started as a student recycling and environmental education effort at Carroll, and in 2004, alumni chartered a nonprofit to bring its mission to the greater Helena community and the state of Montana. Since then, S.A.V.E. has hosted and supported large community outreach events, created recycling opportunities for schools and businesses, and pushed through numerous pieces of environmental legislation, including bills on gray water, homemade fuel, neighborhood electric vehicles, biodiesel research funding, green building and electronics recycling. Earth Day observance continues on Saturday, April 30, with Sodexo (Carroll's food service partner) hosting a Helena clean-up day, with students, faculty and staff welcome to participate starting at 9 a.m. with a free hot breakfast. Work the morning and be back to campus by 1 p.m. Later on, at 5 p.m., Sodexo will host a campus picnic BBQ. To sign up for clean-up day, contact Logan McLean at lmclean -is-at- carroll -dot- edu or 447-5196.  Volunteers are also needed to help grill at the BBQ. Everyone participating in clean-up day gets FREE of charge: a t-shirt, lunch, agua, yummy BBQ, entry into a prize drawing and rides to all areas where the work is happening around town. SAFE ARBOR Our good stewardship of the globe continues next Friday, April 29, with Carroll College's Arbor Day celebration at 1 p.m. in front of the Campus Center, with everyone invited. This Arbor Day, Carroll College will simultaneously be celebrating its recognition as the first Tree Campus USA in the state. The Tree Campus USA program is organized by the Arbor Day Foundation and recognizes campuses that effectively manage their trees, engage their students, and connect with the community and urban forest beyond campus borders.  The Carroll celebration will feature the planting of a box elder maple, with Saints mascot Halo volunteering to dig the hole for the tree. State leaders at the ceremony will be Mary Sexton, the director of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Montana State Forester Bob Harrington. The program will also include songs by students from Mrs. Barta's third grade Broadwater Elementary class and presentation of the winners of a tree-themed coloring contest, which was organized by the student Circle K service group and led by Sarah Cunningham, a Carroll sophomore elementary education major.  More info is online at: https://www.carroll.edu/about/pressreleases.php?id=14777 HEALTHCARE REFORM IS A PREEXISTING CONDITION Next Wednesday, April 27, an array of erudite students in Drs. Zac Callen and Brian Matz's class devoted to studying the nation's one-year-old healthcare reform law will present a community forum, "Healthcare Reform: What? Why? Where to?"  It is free and open to the public at the Lewis and Clark Public Library's community room from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Students will showcase what they have learned and researched in the course this semester and answer questions from the audience. Student panelists will include Ben Johnson, Laramy Ayers, Travis Marshall and Kenny Van Houdt. Responders will be Chuck Butler, a consultant to the healthcare industry and to government on healthcare issues, Dr. Ken Carpenter, a Helena physician, and Mike Dennison, the legislative affairs reporter for Lee Newspapers. Carroll's healthcare wizards have studied the new law from soup to nuts and examined the legal challenges to it, including recent court rulings, and the political and ethical ramifications. The forum will bring all these developments to light and outline the prospects for the future of US healthcare (and health insurance, which is a very different animal). Look for an upcoming feature story in the Helena Independent Record next Tuesday or Wednesday previewing the forum (online at http://helenair.com/). The students and one of their profs were also featured on the Carroll Saints and Scholars show on HCTV channel 11 in Helena this past Wednesday night, and they'll be interviewed live on the air for Helena's KBLL 1240 AM radio Coffee Break show next Wednesday, April 27, at a little after 9 a.m. TAXES: IT AIN'T OVER It's always tax day in the good ol' USA, and on Thursday, April 28, Carroll College is joining the quotidian fun by hosting an Internal Revenue Service workshop entitled "One-Day Workshop for Small and Medium Sized Nonprofit Organizations" from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Carroll Campus Center. The workshop, presented by experienced IRS specialists, will explain what 501(c)(3) organizations must do to keep their tax-exempt status and comply with tax obligations. It is designed for administrators or volunteers who are responsible for the organization's tax compliance and organization representatives who are interested in the ins and outs of tax-exempt complexity. Continuing legal education as well as continuing professional education credits are available for lawyers and CPAs attending the workshop. Tuition for the full day is $45. To register go to:  www.mtnonprofit.org and follow the links to the "Event Calendar."  The event is limited to 150 persons.  More details on the event are itemized at: https://www.carroll.edu/about/pressreleases.php?id=14796 WHEN JESUS CALLS, DON'T SEND HIM TO VOICEMAIL This summer, Carroll College is joining 12 local churches to support up to four homeless families for four weeks each by offering temporary housing and home-cooked meals. The program is called Family Promise of Greater Helena, part of a national program operating in 41 states and the District of Columbia. Anyone wanting to volunteer to make an evening meal for 14 people for one night or a whole week can contact  Colleen Dunne in Carroll Campus Ministry at 406-447-4333. The first week (May 29-June 4) has already been filled by eager Carroll volunteers, but meal providers are needed for: June 27-July 3 and July 3-10 and July 26-31 In 2009, Family Promise served 47,000 children and adults, with 130,000 volunteers in 5,000 congregations doing the work. Over 80% of the families served by the program go into permanent housing. STUDENT NEWS Last weekend, known the world over as Carroll Softball Weekend, was quite the spectacle, with more than half-decent weather and only a few injuries requiring medical intervention. The 2011 Softball Weekend Champion is SWEJ ("Students with Extreme Jesus")-congratulations to the victors, who from their team name apparently snuck in an invisible extra player to pull off a miracle win. ALUMNI NEWS Awards Carroll is now accepting nominations for the following awards: The Young Alumni Award, presented at Homecoming and honoring graduates from the past 10 years who best exemplify Carroll's tradition of service, academic excellence/career advancement and meaningful stewardship. The Alumni Hall of Fame, presented at Homecoming and honoring alumni for outstanding contributions of stewardship - time, talent and treasure - in distinguished service community and to Carroll. To nominate alumni for the Young Alumni Award or the Alumni Hall of Fame, please send an e-mail to alumni -is-at- carroll -dot- edu describing how your nominee qualifies. Please include the nominee's name, your name, address and phone. Supporting materials are optional. Nominations need to be received by May 1, 2011, to be considered for the 2011 alumni awards. The Alumni Academic Achievement Award presented during Founder's Day festivities in early November and honoring alumni who distinguish themselves academically or artistically, are influential in their field and have made significant impact either through research or career achievements. To submit a nomination for the Alumni Academic Achievement Award, send an e-mail to alumni -is-at- carroll -dot- edu describing how your nominee qualifies. Please indicate evidence of the nominee's publications, research or honors, and include your name, address, phone and any supporting materials.  Nominations for the Alumni Academic Achievement Award must be received by July 1, 2011, to be considered for the 2011 award. Nominations may also be mailed to the Alumni Relations Office Carroll College 1601 N. Benton Avenue Helena, MT 59625. For more information, visit www.carroll.edu/alumni The Wendy's of Montana, Carroll College Athletic Hall of Fame, awarded at Homecoming, honors outstanding achievements by Saints student-athletes. A minimum of ten years must have passed since the nominee's last season of competition, and nominees must have been, at a minimum, a member of the first or second team All Conference.  A completed nomination form is required, including statistics and other supporting material. The Warren Nelson Award, conferred at Homecoming, was established in 1986 to honor Mr. Warren Nelson for his years of supporting Carroll College athletic programs.  Nominations for this award should include evidence that an individual exemplifies the unselfish goodness of Nelson in assisting, promoting and otherwise supporting the Carroll College Saints.  Recipients of this award do not have to be alumni of Carroll College. To request more information about athletic awards or to request a nomination form, contact Renee Wall at rwall -is-at- carroll -dot- edu or call 406-447-5413.  Nominations may be submitted online at: www.carroll.edu/athletics or mailed to Renee Wall, associate director of athletics, 1601 North Benton Ave., Helena, MT  59625.  The deadline for athletic nominations is May 1, 2011. Events For all alumni events listed below, please RSVP to Alumni Director Kathy Ramirez at alumni -is-at- carroll -dot- edu or call/text her at 406-461-3214: Golden Grad Reunion: Classes of 1951 and 1961 as special honored guests during Carroll Commencement on May 6-7 Homecoming 2011: October 14-17-stay tuned for more details! For a complete schedule of Alumni events, visit www.carroll.edu/alumni/reunion/index.cc In the News Dr. Carla Davis, class of 1985, a family practice physician at Grant Creek Family Practice in Missoula, Mont., who is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, recently received added qualifications in hospice and palliative medicine.  She has been practicing medicine in the Missoula area since 1994. Louis Bartoletti, class of 2010, and Carroll nursing and Spanish senior Jade Johnstone, who will graduate this May, will be married on May 28, 2011, at St. Ann's Cathedral in Great Falls. Both are active leaders in the Carroll Outreach Team, which Louis founded, and veterans of several of COT medical outreach missions worldwide. At graduation last May, Louis won Carroll's Michael Murphy Award for Outstanding Collegiate Citizenship. Jade is a standout on Carroll's cross-country and track and field squads. (Couple in photo left)  In Memoriam Retired dentist Dr. J. Myles White, an alumnus of the Carroll Navy V-12 Program during WWII, died on April 7, 2011. After attending Carroll in 1941-44, he served as a pharmacist mate aboard the USS Clinton in the Pacific. After the war, he graduated from the School of Dentistry at Loyola University in Chicago in 1950. Ultimately, he established a practice in Butte for a number of years, then in Miles City for 25 years until his 1993 retirement. He moved to Billings in 1999. For more on his life, read: http://www.billingsnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2632:j-myles-white&catid=46:billings-obits&Itemid=67 Bernice Ann Jackson Williams (photo right), nursing class of 1962, Manassas, Va., died on April 11, 2011. She was an Anaconda, Mont., native who, after graduating from Carroll,  earned a master's in nursing from the University of Evansville, Ind. Bernice was a social pioneer of racial equality for all people and a lifetime advocate of education. More on her legacy is online at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/newsandmessenger/obituary.aspx?n=bernice-ann-jackson-williams&pid=150321249&fhid=2236 Joe Mooney (photo left), class of 1966, died April 8, 2011, in Seattle. At Carroll, he met his wife, Kathleen Crotty, also class of 1966, and they were married Sept. 10, 1966. Joe began his 30-year career at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in 1967, serving as a sportswriter, member of the editorial board, columnist, and general assignment reporter. For the full story on his life, read: http://www.mtstandard.com/news/local/obituaries/article_599f5f7c-657f-11e0-a33d-001cc4c03286.html FACULTY AND STAFF NEWS Events Students, faculty and staff with children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and rugrat hangers-on are welcome to unleash them on the field of glory at today's Children's Easter Egg Hunt at 5:30 p.m. Please gather in front of the Campus Center (the entrance facing Borromeo and St. Charles Halls). Plenty of eggs have been laid on the lawn, so each child has a fair shake at the multicolored, plastic candy-filled treasures. In the News Dr. Brian Matz (photo left), assistant professor of theology, recently announced publication of a book, Reading Patristic Social Ethics: Issues and Challenges for 21st Century Christian Social Thought, CUA Studies in Early Christianity, which he co-edited with Johan Leemans and Johan Verstraeten. The book was published by Catholic University of America Press this spring 2011 and includes Dr. Matz's article, "The Principle of Detachment from Private Property in Basil of Caesarea's Homily 6 and Its Context." Look for a special Easter op-ed piece written by Dr. Matz to be published this coming Sunday, April 24, in the Helena Independent Record-if you don't get a traditional paper, feast your eyes on the online version at: http://helenair.com/news/opinion/ CAMPUS MINISTRY The ever-popular Sunday Mass takes place at 8 p.m. in the Campus Center. On May 1, Bishop Thomas (photo left) will celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation for 12 students at 7 p.m. in the upper level of the Campus Center.   The Carroll Campus Ministry website is outstanding, lively and informative at:  http://www.carroll.edu/ministry/ Campus Ministry also has a blog site with reflections about the recent Headlights Service Immersion journey-see it at: http://carrollministry.wordpress.com/ And, you can "Like" Campus Ministry's Facebook site, too-keeping you updated on their latest adventures and upcoming service trips. ATHLETICS At last Saturday's Montana Open in Missoula, Carroll's Ben Cutler, a freshman from Kalispell, won the men's 400-meter dash (48.28 seconds) and finished first in the long jump (23 feet, 3 1/4 inches), while fellow freshman Rhianna Grossman of Coeur d'Alene won the women's 3,000 steeplechase (11:35.56). Cutler's marks provisionally qualified him for the NAIA outdoor championships, while Grossman's time was less than a second shy of a provisional qualifier. Track the story at: http://helenair.com/sports/article_733a161a-68b9-11e0-a7d0-001cc4c03286.html Spring's barely got a toehold, but it's time to register your kids ages 4 and up for the annual Carroll summer swim lessons. Costs is only $36, with half-hour sessions each Monday through Thursday (except Independence Day week, when classes will be Tuesday through Friday). Register 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Carroll PE Center Office. Athletics news is online at: http://www.carroll.edu/athletics/index.cc COMING EVENTS Ongoing: Carroll's weekly Saints and Scholars show on Helena Civic TV, cable channel 11, is aired each Wednesday at 8 p.m., and at encore times throughout the week. Check the latest schedule and get online show streaming at: http://helenacivictv.org/ Ongoing: Sallyann Mulcahy, Carroll artist in residence and the director of Ballet Montana and Ballet Montana Academy, also in residence at Carroll, is offering for the first time an adult ballet class open to men and women of all ages. Classes take place each Monday from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in the Arthur Vining Davis Dance Studio downstairs in the Campus Center. Ballet training prepares you for a healthy, beautifully lived life, with poise, grace, balance, refinement and wellness. Ballet is exercise that offers fitness and skills that translate to almost every other activity, from running a race to standing in line, from hiking a hill to climbing the stairs, from walking to waltzing. And, it's open to people of all ages and body types. Classes began this past Monday, and newcomers are very welcome. The cost is $15 per class or $140 for a 10-class card. For more information, contact Mulcahy at 447-5508 or email thelifedancer -is-at- gmail -dot- com Ongoing to April 27: The Annual Carroll College Student Art Show in the Carroll Art Gallery, room 034 St. Charles Hall, featuring recently created work by over 50 students in art classes, including photography, paintings, drawings, and ceramics. As a special addition, the display will include work created by 12 Carroll and community students who participated in the February Decorated Letter Workshop led by professional calligrapher Theresa Leland--examples of their work and photos are located in one of the display cabinets just outside the Art Gallery. The gallery is open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays, closed weekends and college holidays. Free admission. For more information, call 447-4302. April 21: Honors Thesis presentations by Department of History students, 7-9 p.m., Campus Center's Avila DeSmet Room. Free and open to everyone. April 21: The Carroll College Education Abroad Office will continue a Carroll tradition by recognizing graduating seniors who have studied abroad at the Eighth Annual Sash Ceremony, with faculty, staff and alumni invited to attend. The ceremony begins at 12:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Campus Center. April 22-24: Easter Break. April 26: Honors Thesis presentations by Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Theology students, 7-9 p.m., Campus Center's Avila DeSmet Room. Free and open to everyone. April 27: Honors Convocation, lower level of the Campus Center, 7 p.m. April 29: Last day of spring 2011 classes. April 29: Employee Recognition Dinner. RSVP to mcracicot -is-at- carroll -dot- edu May 1: Carroll's Department of Fine Arts presents a free concert of choral music on at 4 p.m. at the St. Mary Catholic Community in Helena (1700 Missoula Ave.) and will feature a wide variety of musical selections sung by the Carroll College Choir and the Carroll College Chamber Choir, both directed by Associate Professor of Music Robert Psurny. The concert will feature both sacred and secular works, and pieces sung in English, Latin, Serbian, and Swahili. For more, read: https://www.carroll.edu/about/pressreleases.php?id=14778 May 4: Carroll Jazz Combo performs in the Campus Center, 10:15-11:30 a.m. Free and open to the public. The Jazz Combo's Final Exam performance will include some selections not heard on the April 19 concert, plus some of the band's favorites from previous semesters.  Admission is free and open to the public.  Contact Dr. Lynn Petersen at 406-447-4303 for more information. May 6: Carroll's Department of Military Science and Maj. Mark McGinley invite the public to the commissioning of Zackary Cashman, second lieutenant Oregon National Guard, Military Intelligence, and Miranda Mireles, second lieutenant Montana National Guard, Ordinance, at 4 p.m. in the Montana State Capitol Rotunda. May 7: Baccalaureate and Commencement May 11: Summer semester begins. Sessions I and II start on May 11, with Session I running for two weeks and Session II for three weeks. On June 6, Sessions III and IV start and will continue for four weeks and five weeks, respectively. July 24-30: The 27th annual Carroll College Gifted Institute in-residence program for gifted students entering 5th through 9th grades. To apply, contact Connie at extension 447-4365 or pick up application materials from her in 120 O'Connell Hall Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.