Pre-Nursing Program Informational Meeting

Carroll Campus
Simperman 407
Pre-Nursing Meeting graphic

If you are interested in continuing on a path to nursing at Carroll College, it is important that you attend a Pre-Nursing Program Informational Meeting on Thursday, February 6th at 12:30pm in Room 331 SH. Please plan on an hour to allow for questions.

At this meeting, there will be details provided about:

  • Admission/Progression Requirements
  • The application process for admission to the nursing major –  applications will be available at the meeting and must be turned in by March 1, 2025
  • Different pathways to a degree in nursing at Carroll
  • Opportunities to ask questions about the path forward will also be available

Applications are only available directly from the Nursing Department at this meeting or by request. If you cannot to attend this meeting, it is extremely important that you reach out to let us know. Please contact Terri John at Thanks!