Flathead Valley Community College

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Flathead Valley Community CollegeCarroll College
ACT 106Beginning Conditioning and Fitness1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 108Total Fitness Women1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 114Beginning Rock Climbing1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 132Cardioboxing1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 150Beginning Yoga1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 169Beginning Tennis1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 171Physical Fitness I1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 200Core Align1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 230Intermediate Yoga1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 233Zumba1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 250Pilates1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 269Intermediate Tennis1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 283Logger Sports1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACT 285Handgun Marksmanship1LAS 102Physical Education Activities---
ACTG 101Accounting Procedures I4BA 189Business Elective---
ACTG 102Accounting Procedures II4BA 189Business Elective---
ACTG 124Payroll Accounting Applications2BA 189Business Elective---
ACTG 150Accounting on Microcomputers3BA 189Business Elective---
ACTG 180Payroll Accounting2BA 189Business Elective---
ACTG 201Principles of Financial Accounting4BA 203Principles of Accounting I---
ACTG 202Principles of Managerial Accounting4BA 204Principles of Accounting II---
ACTG 205Computerized Accounting2BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 207Advanced Accounting on Microcomputers2BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 210Cost and Advanced Accounting4BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 211Income Tax Fundamentals4BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 231Applied Accounting2BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 241Intermediate Financial Accounting I4BA 289Business Elective---
ACTG 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ACTG 299Captsonen/cCASE BY CASE----
AGSC 200Soil Nutrient Management3BI 289Biology Elective---
AGSC 202Practical Farm Production and Equipment3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AGSC 230Agricultural Pest Management5BI 289Biology Elective---
AGSC 241Field Crop Production3BI 289Biology Elective---
AGSC 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AGSC 291Special Topics2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AGSC 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHAT 210Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries3HPE 402Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries---
AHMA 201Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 202Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures I Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 203Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 204Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures II Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 205Medical Assisting Clinical Approaches I1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 206Medical Assisting Clinical Approaches II1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 220Phlebotomy3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 221Phlebotomy Clinical Training2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 230Advanced Medical Office Proceduresn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 280Medical Assisting Exam Preparationn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMA 298Medical Assisting Externship4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 105Health Care Delivery3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 108Health Data Content & Structure3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 127Medical Document Formatting2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 144Medical Terminology3HS 150----
AHMS 156Medical Billing Fundamentalsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 175Medical Law and Ethics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 198Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 208Healthcare Statistics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 210Basic Medical Coding3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 219Intermediate Medical Coding4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 220Medical Office Procedures4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 250Advanced Medical Coding4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 252Computerized Medical Billing2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMS 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 101Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technologyn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 201Hematologyn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 205Urinalysis and Body Fluidsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 210Immunology and Serologyn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 215Coagulationn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 230Immunohematologyn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 235Clinical Microbiologyn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 240Clinical Chemistryn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
AHMT 295Medical Laboratory Clinical6ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 101Physical Therapist Assisting I / Lab5ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 105Introduction to Physical Therapist Assisting3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 201Physical Therapist Assisting II / Lab5ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 205Anatomy and Kinesiology for the PTA6ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 206Pathophysiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 210Clinical Experience I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 213Neurorehabilitation for the PTA6ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 215Introduction to Orthopedics4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 218Therapeutic Exercise for the PTA2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 220Clinical Experience II4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 225Seminar and Project in Physical Therapist Assisting3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHPT 295Clinical: Experience III4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 101Introduction to Surgical Technology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 116Surgical Techniques I with lab5ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 201Surgical Procedures I4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 202Surgical Procedures II5ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 207Professional Development and Leadership3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 216Surgical Techniques II with lab4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 250Surgical Clinical I4ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHST 255Advanced Surgical Clinical10ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 101Patient Care in Radiology2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 108Introduction to Radiologic Physics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 110Radiographic Procedures I2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 111Radiographic Procedures II2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 115Radiographic Principles I2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 116Radiographic Principles II2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 195Radiographic Clinical6ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 210Radiographic Procedures III2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 211Radiographic Procedures IV2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 225Radiobiology/Radiation Protection2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 270Radiographic Registry Review2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AHXR 295Radiographic Clinical8ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 110Keyboarding1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 111Keyboard Formatting1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 112Keyboard Skillbuilding1ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 113Keyboarding and Document Processing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 125Editing Skills for Information Processing2ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 150Customer Service Strategies3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 210Office Success Strategies3ELECTIVE ONLY----
AMGT 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ANSC 100Introduction to Animal Science3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ANSC 102Small Farm Animal Husbandryn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ANTY 101Anthropology and the Human Experience3AN 189Anthropology ElectiveSocial Science--
ANTY 210Introduction to Physical Anthropology3AN 245Physical AnthropologySocial Science--
ANTY 220Culture & Society3SO 204Cultural AnthropologySocial Science--
ARTH 200Art of World Civilization I3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTH 201Art of World Civilization II3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTH 225Art and Architecture of Italy3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTH 226History and Culture of Venice3ART 289Fine Arts ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTH 227History of Theatre in Venice3THT 289Fine Arts ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTH 228History of Early Italian Renaissance3ART 289Fine Arts ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTJ 210Jewelry and Metalsmithing I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 211Jewelry and Metalsmithing II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 212Jewelry and Metalsmithing III3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 213Jewelry and Metalsmithing IV3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 220Forging and Smithing I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 221Forging and Smithing II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 2313D Jewelry Design and Modeling I4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 2323D Jewelry Design and Modeling II4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 2333D Jewelry Design and Modeling III4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 2343D Jewelry Design and Modeling IV4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 250Wax Modeling and Casting I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 251Wax Modeling and Casting II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 260Stone Setting I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 261Stone Setting II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 270Surface Embellishments I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 280Jewelry Repair I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTJ 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ARTZ 105Visual Language -Drawing3ART 112DrawingFine Arts--
ARTZ 106Visual Language -2-D Foundations3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 108Visual Language -3-D Foundations3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 130Introduction to Ceramics1ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 210Professional Practices3CASE BY CASE----
ARTZ 211Drawing I3ART 112DrawingFine Arts--
ARTZ 212Drawing Studio3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 221Painting I3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 222Painting Studio3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 224Watercolor I3ART 206Watercolor PaintingFine Arts--
ARTZ 225Watercolor Studio3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 231Ceramics I3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 232Ceramics Studio3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 252Sculpture Studio: 3D Printing3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 271Printmaking I3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
ARTZ 292Independent Study3CASE BY CASE----
ASTR 110Introduction to Astronomy3AS 102AstronomyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
AVFT 135UAS for Commercial Operations2WILL NOT TRANSFER----
BCH 280Biochemistry (=BCH 380)3BI 289Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BCH 281Biochemistry Lab (=BCH 381)2BI 289LBiology Elective---
BFIN 205Personal Finance3BA 289Business Elective---
BFIN 222Small Business Budgeting1BA 289Business Elective---
BFIN 260Principles of Finance4BA 289Business Elective---
BGEN 110Applied Business Leadership3BA 100Introduction to Business---
BGEN 122Applied Business and Allied Health Math4BA 189Business Elective---
BGEN 204Business Fundamentals3BA 289Business Elective---
BGEN 235Business Law4BA 289Business Elective---
BGEN 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
BGEN 299Capstone3ELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOB 101Discover Biology4BI 101Life ScienceNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 105Introduction to Biotechnology3BI 189Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 110Plant Science3BI 189Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 126General Science: Earth and Life Science5BI 189Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 160Principles of Living Systems4BI 121Foundations of Cell and Molecular BiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 170Principles of Biological Diversity3BI 122Foundations of Organismal BiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 171Principles of Biological Diversity Laboratory2BI 132Physiology and Ecology LabNatural Science--
BIOB 205Methods in Biotechnology3BI 289Biology Elective---
BIOB 260Cellular and Molecular Biology4BI 289Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOB 272Genetics and Evolution4BI 289Biology Elective---
BIOB 275General Genetics (=375)4BI 289Biology Elective---
BIOB 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOE 172Introductory Ecology3BI 189Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOE 173Introductory Ecology Laboratory1BI 189LBiology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOE 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOH 104Basic Human Biology3BI 102Human BiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOH 105Basic Human Biology Laboratory1BI 102LHuman Biology LabNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOH 113Human Form and Function II3BI 189Biology Elective---
BIOH 201Human Anatomy and Physiology I (=301)4BI 201Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOH 211Human Anatomy and Physiology II (=311)4BI 202Intro to Human Anatomy & Physiology IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOH 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOM 108Introduction to Food and Beverage Fermentation3ELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOM 208Applied Brewing Microbiology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOM 250Microbiology for Health Sciencesn/cBI 214-General MicrobiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOM 251Microbiology for Health Sciences Lab1BI 289LBiology Elective---
BIOM 260General Microbiology (=360)3BI 214-General MicrobiologyNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOM 261General Microbiology Lab (=361)2BI 289LBiology Elective---
BIOM 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
BIOO 115Practical Botany3BI 189Biology Elective---
BIOO 215Field Botany3BI-Biology Elective---
BIOO 217Tropical Flora of Costa Rican/cn/c ---
BIOO 220General Botany (=320)4BI 289Biology Elective(no lab)---
BIOO 235Rocky Mountain Flora (=335)3BI 289Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOO 262Introduction to Entomology3BI 289Biology ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
BIOO 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
BMGT 205Professional Business Communication3CO 225Professional Communication---
BMGT 210Small Business Entrepreneurship3BA 289Business Elective---
BMGT 215Human Resource Management3BA 289Business Elective---
BMGT 235Management3BA 289Business Elective---
BMGT 237Human Relations in Business3BA 289Business Elective---
BMGT 245Customer Service Management3BA 289Business Elective---
BMGT 282Organizational Training and Development3BA 289Business Elective---
BMIS 211Introduction to Business Decision Support4BA 289Business Elective---
BMIS 270MIS Foundations for Business3BA 289Business Elective---
BMKT 130Search Engine Marketing3BA 189Business Elective---
BMKT 131Introduction to Social Media Marketing3BA 189Business Elective---
BMKT 132Writing for Web Marketing3BA 189Business Elective---
BMKT 225Marketing3BA 289Business Elective---
BREW 101Brewing Methods I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 102Brewing Methods II4ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 131Beer Styles and Sensory Evaluation I2ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 132Beer Styles and Sensory Evaluation II2ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 141The Business of Brewing2ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 150Brewhouse Processes4ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 151Cellar Processes3ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 152Beer Packaging2ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 199Capstone I: Brewing Methods III5ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 222Environmental Sustainability in Brewing2ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 298Internship: Professional Brewing4ELECTIVE ONLY----
BREW 299Capstone II: Brewing Methods IV5ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 103Quickbooks Fundamentals1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 106Short Courses: Computer Applications1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 110Short Courses: MS Outlook1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 112Short Courses: MS Powerpoint1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 114Short Courses: MS Word1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 116Short Courses: MS Excel1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 118Short Courses: MS Access1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 120Introduction to Computers4ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 131Basic MS Office2ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAPP 158MS Access4CS 213*Management Information Systems--*if CAPP 266 is also completed
CAPP 291Special Topics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CAS 140Addictions and Diversity3PSY 189Psychology Elective---
CAS 242Fundamentals of Substance Abuse and Addictions3PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
CAS 248Substance Abuse Counseling II3PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
CAS 250Assessment and Case Management Processes4PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
CAS 252Gambling and Gaming Disorders in Substance Abuse Counseling2Psy 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
CAS 254Co-occurring Disorders in Substance Abuse Counseling2Psy 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
CAS 291Special Topics4SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CHIN 101Elementary Chinese I5FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
CHIN 102Elementary Chinese II5FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
CHMY 105Explorations in Chemistry3CH 189Chemistry ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 121Introduction to General Chemistry4CH 111Essentials of Chemistry:- GeneralNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 123Introduction to Organic & Biochemistry4CH 112Ess of Chem:- Organic & BiochemistryNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 141College Chemistry I5CH 101General Chemistry INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 143College Chemistry II5CH 102General Chemistry IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 160Pharmacology3CH 189Chemistry ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 170Applied Brewing Chemistry4ELECTIVE ONLY----
CHMY 221Organic Chemistry I (=321)5CH 301Organic Chemistry INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 223Organic Chemistry II (=323)5CH 302Organic Chemistry IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 280Forensic Science I4CH 289Chemistry ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 282Forensic Science II4CH 289Chemistry ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
CHMY 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
CHMY 291Special Topics/Expmntl Crse1CH 289Chemistry Elective---
CJLE 109Police Report Writing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CJLE 200Reserve Officer Training5ELECTIVE ONLY----
CJLE 210Comprehensive Investigative Interviewing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CJUS 121Introduction to Criminal Justice3SO 189Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 171Introduction to Judicial Function1SO 189Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 200Principles of Criminal Law3SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 220Introduction to Corrections3SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 227Introduction to Policingn/cSO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 230Police Organization3SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 231Criminal Evidence and Procedure2SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
CJUS 298Internshipn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
COMX 111Introduction to Public Speaking3CO 101Basic CommunicationBasic Communications--
COMX 115Introduction to Interpersonal Communication3CO 101Basic CommunicationBasic Communications--
COMX 215Negotiations/Conflict Resolution3CO 275Conflict Management---
COMX 217Oral Interpretation3CO 289Communication Elective---
CRWR 110Beginning Fiction3ENWR 264Introduction to Creative Writing-WI-
CRWR 111Beginning Poetry3ENWR 264Introduction to Creative Writing-WI-
CRWR 210Introduction Fiction Workshop3ENWR 264Introduction to Creative Writing-WI-
CRWR 211Introduction Poetry Workshop3ENWR 264Introduction to Creative Writing-WI-
CRWR 212Introduction Nonfiction Workshop3ENWR 289English Writing Elective-WI-
CRWR 291Special Topics1ENWR 289English Writing Elective---
CSCI 100Introduction to Programming3CS 189Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 111Programming with Java I4CS 110Introduction to Programming with Java---
CSCI 113Programming with C++ I4CS 189Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 121Programming with Java II4CS 189Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 122Game Design Theoryn/cn/c----
CSCI 132Basic Data Structures and Algorithms4CS 120Data Structures and Program Design-- 
CSCI 206.NET Applicationsn/cCS 289Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 208Game Programming In/cn/c----
CSCI 209Game Programming IIn/cn/c----
CSCI 210Web Programming3CS 202Web Design and Development---
CSCI 211Client Side Programming4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 213Web Programming Techniques4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 220Virtual/Augmented Realityn/cn/c----
CSCI 232Data Structures and Algorithms3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 238Standards-based Mobile Applicationsn/cCS 289Computer Science Elective---
CSCI 240Databases and SQL3CS 310Database Design and Implementation I---
CSCI 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
CSCI 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CSTN 135Basic Riggingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 103Professional Chef I9ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 104Professional Chef II9ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 105Food Service Sanitation2ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 106Professional Chef I: Baking and Pastry5ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 108Professional Chef II: Baking and Pastry5ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 110Fundamentals of Cooking5ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 111Catering1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 122Latin Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 123American Regional Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 130Asian Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 131World Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 132European Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 140Modernist Cuisine3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 148Food and Beverage Service3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 149Food Service Laboratory1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 152Chef's Table4ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 157Pantry and Garde Manger3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 165Baking and Pastry4ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 198Internship: Hospitality Management1ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 201Professional Chef III9ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 210Nutritional Cooking2ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 220Purchasing and Cost Control3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 240Menu Planning2ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 250Hospitality Supervision2ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 280Senior Practicum3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 298Internship3ELECTIVE ONLY----
CULA 299Culinary Arts Capstonen/cELECTIVE ONLY----
DANC 194Seminar/Workshop3DNC 128Introduction to DanceFine Arts--
DDSN 114Introduction to CAD3ENGR 189Engineering Elective---
DDSN 135Solidworks2ENGR 189Engineering Elective---
EASL 50English as a Second Languagen/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ECNS 101Economic Way of Thinking3EC 106Survey of EconomicsSocial Science--
ECNS 132Economics and the Environment3EC 189Economics ElectiveSocial Science--
ECNS 201Principles of Microeconomics3EC 201Principles of Economics ISocial Science--
ECNS 202Principles of Macroeconomics3EC 202Principles of Economics IISocial Science--
ECNS 210The Economics of Health Care3EC 289Economics ElectiveSocial Science--
ECNS 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 100First Aid and CPR2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 120Emergency Medical Respondern/cHPE 199EMT - Basic (limit of 6 credits total)---
ECP 130Emergency Medical Technician5HPE 199EMT - Basic (limit of 6 credits total)---
ECP 200Transition to Paramedic Care3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 201Paramedic Fundamentals3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 202Paramedic Fundamentals Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 204Medical Emergencies I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 205Medical Emergencies I Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 206EMS Case Studies3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 216Hospital Clinical I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 231Trauma Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 234Medical Emergencies II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 235EMS Operations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 236Medical II/EMS Operations Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 246Hospital Clinical II6ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 250NREMT Exam Preparation2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 251NREMT Exam Preparation Lab2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 295Field Experience: Clinical III8ELECTIVE ONLY----
ECP 298Internship: Paramedicine2ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 108Introduction to Early Childhood Education3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 135Language and Literature for Young Children3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 210Meeting the Needs of Families3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 230Positive Child Guidance3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 231Positive Child Guidance Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 235Creative Art for the Developing Child2ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 245EC Developmental themes3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 249Infant/Toddler Development and Group Care4ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 250Math and Science Curriculum for Early Childhood3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 252Music and Movement for Young Children2ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 260Administration of Early Childhood Programs3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 281Early Childhood Curriculum Design and Implementation I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDEC 295EC Fieldwork/Practicum3ELECTIVE ONLY----
EDSP 204Introduction to Teaching Exceptional Learners3SPED 289Special Education Elective---
EDU 101Teaching and Learning3ED 189Educational Elective---
EDU 201Introduction to Education with Field Experience3ED 102Foundations of Education (if WI criteria are met)---
EDU 222Educational Psychology and Child Development3ED/PSY 229Educational PsychologySocial Science--
EDU 231Literature and Literacy for Children3ED 228Children's Literature---
EDU 270Instructional Technology (=370)3CS 103Intructional Media and Technology --
EDU 291Special Topics/Experimental Coursesn/cED 289Education ElectiveProvides the student with basic knowledge of adult-child interaction, support strategies, literacy development, and observation techniques.- A field experience is integrated into the course and assignments.--
EDU 297Methods: K-8 Music3ED 329Music Education in the Elmentary School---
EELE 101Introduction to Electrical Fundamentals2ENGR 189Engineering Elective---
EELE 201Circuits I for Engineering4ENGR 289Engineering Elective---
EELE 261Introduction to Logic Circuitsn/cENGR 289Engineering Elective---
EGEN 102Introduction to Engineering Computer Applications3ENGR 189Engineering Elective---
EGEN 105Introduction to General Engineering1ENGR 105Introduction to Engineering---
EGEN 111Engineering Communicationsn/cENGR 104Engineering Graphics & CAD Applications---
EGEN 201Engineering Mechanics-Statics4ENGR 302Engineering Mechanics I: Statics---
EGEN 202Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics4ENGR 304Engineering Mechanics II: Statics---
EGEN 205Mechanics of Materials (=305)4ENGR 289Engineering Elective---
EGEN 290Undergraduate Research1WILL NOT TRANSFER----
ELCT 100Introduction to Electricity3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 102Electrical Fundamentals II4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 103Electrical Code Study/Codeology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 105Electrical Circuitry2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 110Basic Electricity I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 111Electric Meters and Motors3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 112Basic Electricity I – Lecturen/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 113Basic Electricity – Labn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 116Math for Electriciansn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 130Electric Motors and Generatorsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 133Basic Wiring4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 137Electrical Drafting2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 139Electric Code Study-Residential3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 204Electrical Planning and Estimating3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 205Electrical Design and Lighting3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 210Advanced Current Theory5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 211AC Measurements3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 225Transformersn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 233Commercial Wiring Lab3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 236Conduit, Raceways, and Code Calculations Lab3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 239Grounding and Bonding Fundamentals3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 241Electric Motor Controls3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 247Medium and High Voltage3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 250Programmable Logic Controllers4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 251Introduction to Photovoltaic Systems5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 252Fundamentals of Battery-Based Photovoltaic Systems5ELECTIVE ONLY----
ELCT 255Journeyman Electrician’s Exam Preparationn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EMEC 103CAE I--Engineering Graphics Communicationn/cENGR 189Engineering Elective---
EMEC 250Mechanical Engineering Materialsn/cENGR 289Engineering Elective---
ENSC 105Environmental Science4ES 189Environmental Science ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
ENSC 245Soils4ES 289Environmental Science Elective---
ENSC 272Water Resources4ES 289Environmental Science Elective---
ENSC 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ENST 285Environmental Policy and Impact Analysis (=385)3ES 289Environmental Science Elective---
ETEC 100Introduction to Maker Skills3ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 130Panel Wiring and Soldering2ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 245Digital Electronics4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 250Solid State Electronics I4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 280Advanced Electronics4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 285Advanced Programmable Controllers4ELECTIVE ONLY----
ETEC 299Electronics Capstonen/cELECTIVE ONLY----
ETME 215Manufacturing Processesn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 110Introduction to Nondestructive Testingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 111Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 113Ultrasonic Testing In/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 114Ultrasonic Testing IIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 115Eddy Current Testingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 121Radiographic Testing In/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 122Radiographic Testing IIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
EWLD 125AWS D1.1 Code Bookn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FILM 105Motion Picture Appreciation1THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
FORS 120Forestry Navigation2ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 152Sustainable Silviculture4ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 153Forest Resource Calculations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 230Forest Fire Management3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 232Forest Insects and Diseases3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 251Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 272Inventory of Natural Resources4ELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FORS 295Field Experience: Logging Resources2ELECTIVE ONLY----
FRCH 101Elementary French I5FR 101Elementary French I-GD-
FRCH 102Elementary French II5FR 102Elementary French II-GD-
FT 100Introduction to Firearmsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 111Firearms Theory In/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 112Firearms Theory IIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 120Bench Metal Techniquesn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 125Machine Tools for the Gunsmithn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 131Firearms Repair In/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 132Firearms Repair IIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 140Precision Rifle Buildingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 200Introduction to Stock Inletting and Bedding3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 201Gun Bluing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 202Advanced Metal Finishing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 203Advanced Firearms Modification3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 204Pistolsmithing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 205Checkering3ELECTIVE ONLY----
FT 206Synthetic Stocks3ELECTIVE ONLY----
GDSN 130Typography3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 148Digital Illustration I3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 149Digital Imaging I3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 200Introduction to Desktop Publishing3CO 108Digital Publishing---
GDSN 230Video Editing4CO 289Communications Elective---
GDSN 247Digital Portfolio Preparation3ELECTIVE ONLY----
GDSN 248Digital Illustration II3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 249Digital Imaging II3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 250Graphic Design I3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
GDSN 274Portfolio Presentation1ELECTIVE ONLY----
GDSN 298Internship: Graphic Design3ELECTIVE ONLY----
GEO 100Introduction to Earth Science4ES 111Earth ScienceNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
GEO 101Introduction to Physical Geology4ES 111Earth ScienceNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
GEO 130Geology of Northwest Montana3ES 189Earth Science Elective---
GEO 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
GPHY 111Introduction to Physical Geography4GEOG 189Geography ElectiveSocial Science--
GPHY 121Human Geography3GEOG 189Geography ElectiveSocial Science--
GPHY 141Geography of World Regions3GEOG 202World Regional GeographySocial Science--
GPHY 150Introduction to Geospatial Technology & Land Informationn/cn/c----
GPHY 250Web GISn/cn/c----
GPHY 284Introduction to GIS Science and Cartography4GIS 110Introduction to GIS---
GPHY 286Advanced GIS4GIS 289GIS Elective---
GRMN 101Elementary German I5GM 101Elementary German I-GD-
GRMN 102Elementary German II5GM 102Elementary German II-GD-
HEE 202Instructional Strategies in Elementary Physical Education3ED 289Education Elective---
HEE 220Introduction to Physical Education3HPE 103Foundations of Health and Physical Education---
HEE 233Health Issues of Children and Adolescents3ED 289Education Elective---
HEO 100Commercial Truck Driver4ELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 101Commercial Driver’s License (Bus)n/cELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 102Commercial Truck Driver B to A Transitionn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 103Professional Truck Driver8ELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 105Introduction to Heavy Equipment Operator8ELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 110Heavy Equipment Operator II12ELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 120Heavy Equipment: Service and Operation4ELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 181Commercial Truck Driver A to Bus Transitionn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
HEO 198Heavy Equipment Operator Internshipn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
HIT 230Overview of Health Information Systemsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
HONR 251Honors: Humanities/Social Sciences-A4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 252Honors: Humanities/Mathematics4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 253Honors: Humanities/Science4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 254Honors: Social Sciences-A/Mathematics4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 255Honors: Social Sciences-A/Science4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 256Honors: Science/Mathematics4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 257Honors: Humanities/Social Sciences-B4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 258Honors: Science/Social Sciences-B4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 259Honors: Mathematics/Social Sciences-B4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 260Honors: Fine Arts/Social Sciences-A4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 261Honors: Fine Arts/Social Sciences-B4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 262Honors: Fine Arts/Science4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 263Honors: Fine Arts/Mathematics4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 264Honors: Global Issues/Humanities4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 265Honors: Global Issues/Mathematics4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 266Honors: Global Issues/Social Sciences-A4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 267Honors: Global Issues/Social Sciences-B4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 268Honors: Global Issues/Fine Arts4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HONR 269Honors: Global Issues/Science4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HS 100Introducation to Human Services/Social Work3SO 189Sociology ElectiveSocial Science--
HS 210Case Management2ELECTIVE ONLY----
HS 250Interviewing/Crisis Intervention4PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
HS 279Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Human Services3LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
HS 292Independent Studyn/cn/c----
HSTA 101American History I4HI 121History of the United States IHistory--
HSTA 102American History II4HI 122History of the United States IIHistory--
HSTA 111American Civil Rights Movement3HI 189History ElectiveHistory--
HSTA 255Montana History3HI 231Montana and the WestHistory--
HSTR 101Western Civilization I4HI 101Topics in Global HistoryHistory--
HSTR 102Western Civilization II4HI 102Topics in Global HistoryHistory--
HSTR 201The 20th Century World I3HI 21420th Century Europe---
HSTR 284Environmental History3HI 289History ElectiveHistory--
HTH 101Opportunities in the Health Professions2HS 198Exploration of Health/Wellness Issues---
HTH 110Personal Health and Wellness3HPE 135Introduction to Wellness---
HVC 101HVAC Fundamentals2ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 120Boiler Operator Certification2ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 130HVAC Electrical3ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 198Internship: Basic HVAC1ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 250HVAC Refrigeration I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 252HVAC Refrigeration II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
HVC 295HVAC Field Experience I10ELECTIVE ONLY----
ITLN 101Elementary Italian I4FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
ITLN 102Elementary Italian II4FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
ITLN 201Intermediate Italian In/cFL 289Foreign Language Special Topics-GD-
ITS 164Networking Fundamentals4CS 189Computer Science Elective---
ITS 210Network Operating System -Desktop3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 212Network Operating System -Server Admin4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 216Network Operating System -Directory Services2CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 218Network Security3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 221Project Management3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 224Introduction To Linux3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 235IT Design Lab2CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 258Routing and Switching4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 271Securing Desktop/Mobile Devices4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 273Securing Networks4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 275Border/ Perimeter Network Security4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 277Software Assurance and File System Internals4CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 280Computer Repair and Maintenance3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
ITS 292Independent Studyn/cCASE BY CASE----
ITS 298Internship/Cooperative Education3ELECTIVE ONLY----
KIN 201Basic Exercise Prescription3HS 289Health Sciences Elective---
KIN 203Functional Training2HS 289Health Sciences Elective---
KIN 215Fitness Assessment Techniques3HS 289Health Sciences Elective---
LING 270Introduction to Linguistics3LL 220Introduction to Linguistics-GD/ND-
LIT 110Introduction to Literature3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 112Introduction To Fiction3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 120Poetry3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 201Introduction to Literary Studies3ENLT 216Introduction to Literature (WI)-WI 
LIT 210American Literature I3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 211American Literature II3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 214Regional Literature3ENLT 289English Literature Elective---
LIT 216American Short Story3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 223British Literature I3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 224British Literature II3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 225Shakespeare: Tragedy and Comedy3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 226Shakespeare: History and Tragedy3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 271Introduction to Science Fiction Literature3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 285Mythologies3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 291Special Topics3ENLT 215Introduction to LiteratureLiterature--
LIT 292Independent Studyn/cCASE BY CASE----
LSH 261Introduction to the Humanities Origins and Influences I4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
LSH 262Introduction to the Humanities Origins and Influences II4LAS 289Liberal Arts Elective---
M 105Contemporary Mathematics3MA 105Introduction to Contemporary Mathematical ApplicationsMathematics--
M 111Technical Mathematics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
M 114Extended Technical Mathematics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
M 115Probability and Linear Mathematics3MA 189Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 120Mathematics with Health Care Applicationsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
M 123Surveying Mathematics I2MA 189Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 124Surveying Mathematics II3MA 189Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 132Number and Operations for K-8 Teachers3MA 201Mathematics for Elementary Ed IMathematics--
M 133Geometry and Geometric Measurement for K-8 Teachers3MA 202*Mathematics for Elementary Ed IIMathematics-*If M 234 is also completed
M 140College Math for Healthcare3MA 189Math Elective---
M 145Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3MA 105Introduction to Contemporary Mathematical ApplicationsMathematics--
M 152Precalculus Algebra4MA 189Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 153Precalculus Trigonometry3MA 189Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 162Applied Calculus5MA 121Differential CalculusMathematics--
M 171Calculus I5MA 121Differential CalculusMathematics--
M 172Calculus II5MA 122Integral CalculusMathematics--
M 221Introduction to Linear Algebra4MA 232*Differential Equations & Linear Albegra 1Mathematics-*If M 274 is also completed
M 225Introduction to Discrete Mathematics4MA 289Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 234Higher Mathematics for K-8 Teachers3MA 289Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 242Methods of Proof3MA 289Math ElectiveMathematics--
M 273Multivariable Calculus5MA 233Multivariable CalculusMathematics--
M 274Introduction to Differential Equations5MA 232*Differential Equations & Linear Albegra 1Mathematics-*If M 221 is also completed
M 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
M 65Prealgebra3ELECTIVE ONLY----
M 90Introductory Algebra4ELECTIVE ONLY----
M 94Quantitative Reasoningn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
M 95Intermediate Algebra4ELECTIVE ONLY----
MART 231Interactive Web I3CS 202*-Web Design and Development--*If MART 232 is also completed
MART 232Interactive Web II4CS 202*-Web Design and Development--*If MART 231 is also completed
MART 234Emerging Web Technologies3CS 289Computer Science Elective---
MCH 101Introduction to Manufacturing Processes1ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 102Introduction to Manufacturing Materials2ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 120Blueprint Reading and Intrepretation for Machining2ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 122Introduction to CAM3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 125Introduction to CNC Lathe Operations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 127Introduction to CNC Mill Operations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 129Machine Quality Control and Precision Measurements3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 132Introduction to Engine Lathes4ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 134Introduction to Mills4ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 191Introduction to CNC Machiningn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 199Capstone: Machinist I2ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 220Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 221Advanced- Manual Mill3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 222Advanced- CNC Mill Operations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 223Advanced Manual Lathe3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 224Advanced CNC Lathe Operations3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 225Machinery's Handbook3ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 227Swiss CNC and Mill-Turn Systems4ELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
MCH 298Cooperative Educationn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
MUSI 101Enjoyment of Music3MUS 261Music AppreciationFine Arts--
MUSI 104Music Fundamentals1MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 105Music Theory I3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 106Music Theory II3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 108Orchestra1MUS 136String EnsembleFine Arts--
MUSI 111Singing for Non-Majors2MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 112Choir1MUS 230ChoirFine Arts--
MUSI 132History of Rock and Roll3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 135Keyboard Skills I1MUS 109*Keyboard Musicianship IFine Arts-*If MUSI 136 is also completed
MUSI 136Keyboard Skills II1MUS 109*Keyboard Musicianship IFine Arts-*If MUSI 135 is also completed
MUSI 140Aural Perception I1MUS 119*Sight Singing and Aural SkillsFine Arts-*If MUSI 141 is also completed
MUSI 141Aural Perception II1MUS 119*Sight Singing and Aural SkillsFine Arts-*If MUSI 140 is also completed
MUSI 147Choral Ensemble1MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 160Beginning Guitar3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 162Chamber Ensemblesn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
MUSI 180Composition In/cMUS 212CompositionFine Arts--
MUSI 191Special Topics/Experimental Courses3MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 194Seminar/Workshopn/cCASE BY CASE----
MUSI 195Applied Music I1MUS 189Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 202Introduction to Music Literaturen/cMUS 261Music AppreciationFine Arts  
MUSI 205Music Theory III3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts- 
MUSI 206Music Theory IV3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 207World Music (=307)3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 230Intermediate Keyboard Skill: Repertoire1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 231Intermediate Keyboard Skill: Accompanying1MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 238Piano Proficiency Assessmentn/cn/c----
MUSI 240Aural Perception III2MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 241Aural Perception IV2MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 260Intermediate Guitar3MUS 289Music ElectiveFine Arts--
MUSI 295Applied Music IIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
MUST 100Introduction to Music and Technology2MUS 189Music Elective-- 
NASX 105Introduction to Native American Studies3AN/SO 218Introduction to Native American StudiesSocial ScienceND-
NASX 232Montana Indians: Cultures, Histories, Current Issues3SO 289Sociology ElectiveSocial ScienceND 
NRSG 106Nursing Assistant Course3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 130Fundamentals of Nursing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 131Fundamentals of Nursing Labn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 135Pharmacology for Practical Nurses3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 136Pharmacology for Practical Nurses Lab1ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 140Adult Health Nursing4ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 141Adult Health Nursing Clinical2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 142Nursing Care of Women and Children3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 143Nursing Care of Women and Children Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 148Leadership Issues for Practical Nurse2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 149Leadership Issues for Practial Nurse Clinical1ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 152Gerontology and Community Nursing2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 153Gerontology and Community Nursing Clinical2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 230Nursing Pharmacology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 231Nursing Pharmacology Lab2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 232Foundations of Nursing3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 233Foundations of Nursing Labn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 234Adult Nursing I3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 235Adult Nursing I Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 236Health and Illness of Maternal Nursingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 237Health and Illness of Maternal Nursing Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 244Adult Nursing II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 245Adult Nursing II Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 246Health and Illness of Child and Family Nursingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 247Health and Illness of Child and Family Nursing Clinical1ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 254Mental Health Concepts2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 255Mental Health Concepts Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 256Pathophysiology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 259Adult Nursing IIIn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 260Adult Nursing III Labn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 261Adult Nursing III Clinical2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 266Managing Client Care for the RN2ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSG 267Managing Client Care for the RN Clinicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSM 101Natural Resource Conservation3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSM 161Natural Resource Measurements I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
NRSM 271Conservation Ecology3ELECTIVE ONLY----
NUTR 221Basic Human Nutrition3NU 289Nursing Elective---
PHAR 100Introduction to Pharmacy Practice for Techniciansn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
PHAR 198Internship5ELECTIVE ONLY----
PHL 101Introduction to Philosophy3Phil 101Perspectives in PhilosophyPhilosophy--
PHL 110Introduction to Ethics3PHIL 107TIntroduction to EthicsPhilosophy--
PHOT 113Understanding Photography3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
PHOT 116Intermediate Black and White Photography3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
PHOT 154Exploring Digital Photography3ART 113Digital PhotographyFine Arts--
PHOT 160Digital Darkroom3ART 189Art ElectiveFine Arts--
PHOT 254Intermediate Digital Photography3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
PHOT 260Digital Darkroom II3ART 289Art ElectiveFine Arts--
PHSX 110Applied Physics4PHYS 189Physics ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 126General Science: Physical Science5PHYS 189Physics ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 205College Physics I5PHYS 201Physics INatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 207College Physics II5PHYS 202Physics IINatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 220Physics I (with calculus)5PHYS 205Physics Using Calculus I: MechanicsNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 222Physics II (with calculus)5PHYS 206Physics Using Calculus II: Electricity and MagnetismNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 224Physics III4PHYS 289Physics ElectiveNatural Science with Lab (if lab is taken)--
PHSX 290Undergraduate Researchn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
PPT 201Introduction to Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systemsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
PPT 202Advanced Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systemsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
PSCI 210Introduction to American Government3PO 104American National GovernmentSocial Science--
PSCI 230Introduction to International Relations3PO 115International RelationsSocial Science--
PSCI 250Introduction to Political Theory3PO 289Political Science ElectiveSocial Science--
PSYX 100Introduction to Psychology4PSY 105General PsychologySocial Science--
PSYX 150Drugs and Society3PSY 189Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
PSYX 230Developmental Psychology3PSY 203Developmental PsychologySocial Science--
PSYX 233Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging3PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
PSYX 240Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology3PSY 306Abnormal PsychologySocial Science--
PSYX 250Fundamentals of Biological Psychology3PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
PSYX 260Fundamentals of Social Psychology3PSY/SO 216Social PsychologySocial ScienceND-
PSYX 264Fundamentals of Group Dynamics3PSY 289Psychology ElectiveSocial Science--
PTRM 201Recreation Management2ELECTIVE ONLY----
RLST 100Introduction to the Study of Religion3TH 189Theology ElectiveTheology--
RLST 220Interpretations of American Religion3TH 289Theology ElectiveTheology--
RUSS 101Elementary Russian I4FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
RUSS 102Elementary Russian II4FL 189Foreign Language Elective-GD-
SFBS 146Introduction To Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systemsn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
SIGN 101Introduction to American Sign Language3FL 189Foreign Language Elective-ND-
SIGN 201Intermediate American Sign Language3FL 289Foreign Language Elective-ND-
SIGN 243Advanced American Sign Language3FL 289Foreign Language Elective-ND-
SOCI 101Introduction to Sociology3SO 101Introduction to SociologySocial Science--
SOCI 14221st Century Popular Culture3SO 18920th Century Popular CultureSocial Science--
SOCI 220Race, Gender and Class3SO/GNDR 225Sociology of GenderSocial Science--
SOCI 260Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency3SO-312Juvenile Delinquency & Deviant BehaviorSocial Science--
SOCI 292Independent Studyn/cCASE BY CASE----
SPNS 101Elementary Spanish I4SP 101Acquisition of Spanish I-GD/ND-
SPNS 102Elementary Spanish II4SP 102Acquisition of Spanish II-GD/ND-
SRVY 120Surveying in Natural Resources2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 152Surveying Graphics2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 241Introduction to Surveying for Land Surveyors I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 242Introduction to Surveying for Land Surveyors II5ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 246Introduction to GPS for Surveyors2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 247Survey-grade GPS Control and Analysis3ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 248Unmanned Aerial Mapping Systemsn/cn/c----
SRVY 255Surveying Calculations (=355)3ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 262Public Land Survey System (=362)3ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 265Surveying Laws and Land Division3ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 268CAD for Surveying Profession4ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 270Legal Principles in Surveying I5ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 271Legal Principles in Surveying II2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 273Route Surveying2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 275Analytic Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (=375)3ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 280Land Surveying Computers2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 283GIS for Survey Analysis4ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 290Undergraduate Research: Projects in GIS2ELECTIVE ONLY----
SRVY 298OJT: Land Surveying III4ELECTIVE ONLY----
STAT 216Introduction to Statistics4MA 207Elementary StatisticsMathematics--
THTR 101Introduction to Theatre3THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 102Introduction to Theatre Design3THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 106Theat Prod I1ELECTIVE ONLY----
THTR 120Introduction to Acting I3THT 111Introduction to ActingFine Arts--
THTR 121Introduction to Acting II3THT 212Acting: Advanced MethodsFine Arts--
THTR 191Special Topics/Experimental Courses1THT 189Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 202Stagecraft I: Lighting and Costumes3THT 289Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 203Stagecraft II3THT 121StagecraftFine Arts--
THTR 205Theatre Workshop II2ELECTIVE ONLY----
THTR 235Dramatic Literature3THT 289Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 239Creative Drama and Dance for K-83THT 289Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
THTR 275Beginning Directing II3THT 289Theatre ElectiveFine Arts--
WILD 270Wildlife Habitat and Conservation3ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 100Intro to Welding Fundamentals4ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 111Welding Theory I Practicaln/cELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 117Blueprint Reading and Welding Symbols3ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 119Welding Certification II (Emphasis)2ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 122Welding Theory III Practical4ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 136GMAW/GTAW Welding and Certificationn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 145Fabrication Basics3ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 146Fabrication Basics II3ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 185Welding Qualification Test Preparation2ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 191Special Topics1ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 210Pipe Weldingn/cELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 220Welding Fabrication I4ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 222Welding Fabrication II4ELECTIVE ONLY----
WLDG 280Weld Testing Certification2ELECTIVE ONLY----
WRIT 101College Writing I3ENWR 102College Composition IIComposition--
WRIT 121Intro to Technical Writing3ENWR 189English Writing Elective-WI-
WRIT 201College Writing II3ENWR 302Expository Writing-WI-
WRIT 204Academic Journaln/cENWR 289English Writing Elective-WI-
WRIT 95Developmental Writing3ELECTIVE ONLY----