Tascha Anderson

Adjunct - Music
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Tascha Anderson


Tascha Anderson earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Pepperdine University, and her Master of Music degree from The Boston Conservatory. While pursuing her first degree, she was appointed with many leadership awards, such as the Associated Women of Pepperdine, and the Christian Leadership Award. She also graciously received music performance scholarships at both Pepperdine and The Boston Conservatory.

A wearer of many hats, Ms. Anderson teaches voice at Carroll College in Helena, Montana, and works as a designer at Proof Marketing, where she has the privilege of exercising other creative outlets. She and her husband Michael Gray currently live in Helena with their husky, Wolf. When she is not performing, Ms. Anderson finds joy in all things outdoors, from hiking, paddle boarding, and camping to patio-sitting. She can generally be found anywhere outdoors enjoying the sun and nature, with a special emphasis on her love for the unmatched Rocky Mountains, as a proud 6th-generation Montanan.

Learn more at her website