Major: Psychology; Minor: Theology
I decided to be a theology minor because I was struggling in my Psychology major. It really bothered me that a person’s faith life was simply dismissed in many areas of psychology. I wanted to be a Psychology major to eventually help serve marginalized members of society and by choosing to pair my major with theology I am able to better understand the people I hope to serve, and hopefully understand life on a deeper spiritual level as well.
My Carroll experience has definitely been enriched by my theology degree. So much of what Carroll is and what we do is steeped in the Catholic tradition. Theology has first helped me identify these things, but secondly it has helped me form my own ideas and think creatively about how I act as a member of this community.
Interestingly, I did not do very well in my first Theology class at Carroll with Professor Beth Haile. Studying theology comes very difficult to me, but it is so enjoyable to learn about. I credit all of my theology professors for challenging me to think and work hard in the classroom. Specifically, my Liberation Theologies class was very difficult and many things in that class challenged the way I thought about the marginalized. The class reshaped my whole experience serving in Guatemala, and I am so grateful for the challenging lessons Dr. Ries taught to expand and develop my own thoughts about the marginalized.