Hometown: Billings, MT
Double Major: Spanish and Psychology
Why Spanish? I first started taking Spanish classes in high school because my sister and I were determined to go on the TV show The Amazing Race. I learned Spanish and she learned French so we could communicate in different countries and not know the same language which we figured would give us a leg up. Needless to say, we never even tried to enter the show but I fell in love with the language. I continued to take Spanish classes my freshman year and then just couldn't picture not taking Spanish anymore. I never even considered majoring in Spanish until I just didn't stop taking classes and then adding Spanish as a second major just made perfect sense!
What stands out about your experience at Carroll? In the Spanish Department especially, the class sizes were small which I loved! You really become friends with your classmates which is important when you are practicing another language and making mistakes frequently. Studying abroad was great too and being a Spanish major forces you to get out in the world!
What are you up to now? I am in Helena and working at St. Peter's Hospital. I am a Credentialing Coordinator which is essentially HR for the doctors and loving every minute of it! Once I get some more experience under my belt, I would like to move somewhere that I will be able to use my Spanish again.