Parking Permits at Carroll College
Parking permits and vehicle registration is required for most parking areas on campus during the Academic Year. Please note that all parking citations will be issued to the permit holders email address. You will not receive a paper ticket.
Contact Us
Contact the Parking Office for information on purchasing parking permits online, parking policies, and parking tickets.
Location: Borromeo Hall, room 100. parking@carroll.edu or 406-447-4404
Students and Employees
Students taking 6 or more credits receive a parking permit as part of their tuition and fees. Employee permits are free as well. Permits are required to park on campus and can be reserved through our online system. To obtain a permit, you will need:
- A 7-digit Carroll ID number
- A valid Carroll email address
- Vehicle license plate information
- Make, model, and year of your vehicle.
You will need to create an account or log in to your existing account. Once your permit is ordered, you will receive an email letting you know that you can pick up your permit.
Permits provide the privilege of parking on campus but do not guarantee a parking space. Parking permits will NOT be limited to the number of parking spaces on campus.
Note for Employees: All employees will be held responsible for citations received.
Students with fewer than 6 credits
For students taking 6 or more credits, the cost of a parking permit is $100 for the academic year through the online system using the same information mentioned above. If you would like to pay with cash or a check, you can do so at the Business Office in O'Connell Hall. Once your permit is purchased, you will receive an email alerting you to pick up your permit.
Parking Regulations at Carroll College
These regulations are designed to foster the responsible and safe use of vehicles and parking lots at Carroll College. Students and employees are expected to familiarize themselves with all vehicle use and parking regulations. As parking on campus is a privilege and not a right, failure to comply with Carroll vehicle use and parking regulations may result in fines, towing, wheel-locking, or denial of parking privileges. Carroll College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its contents while operated or parked on campus. Carroll College has a limited number of parking spaces available on college property for students and employees.
Students and employees are encouraged to review the parking map.
Registration of Vehicles
All students and employees must register any motor vehicle to be used on campus by signing up for a parking permit for their vehicle and displaying the permit from the rearview mirror. Parking permits can be reserved through the Parking Office or through our online system at the beginning of each academic year. Registration is not considered complete until the rearview mirror hanger is in place. The parking permit ceases to be valid when a student or employee is no longer enrolled or employed at Carroll College.
Use of Vehicle
- All State laws, City ordinances, and College regulations will be enforced on all Carroll College property.
- The speed limit on campus streets and parking lots is 15 mph.
- Vehicles are restricted to designated roadways. Vehicles driven on any grassed area or non-designated roads on campus will be cited for reckless driving and subject to fines and restitution.
- Motorcycles, motorized cars, and bicycles must be operated in a responsible manner on campus streets and parking lots. No wheeled vehicles are to be driven on any grassed area on campus with the exception of emergency vehicles, Facilities vehicles, and carts used by Athletic Training.
Parking of Vehicle
- Vehicles must have a permit visible hanging from the rear view mirror.
- Vehicles must be parked in such a way that they do not occupy more than one space. Violators will be ticketed.
- Vehicles must not be parked in fire lanes, crosswalks, handicapped parking slots, or in areas marked with yellow curbing, or parked the wrong direction from the flow of traffic. The College reserves the right to assess fines, use a wheel lock, or tow and impound vehicles at the owner’s risk and expense.
- Vehicles that are parked in an unloading zone must have their hazard lights on and are limited to 15 minutes.
- Vehicles may only park in a service drive if the vehicle is a service vehicle or Facilities vehicle.
- Motorcycles must be parked in automobile parking slots. Parking for bicycles is limited to designated areas.
- Parking spaces for large trucks, camper trailers, and pickup campers that extend beyond the dimensions of the vehicle are provided only in the north lot of the PE Center on a temporary basis, no longer than one week with approval of the Director of Athletics.
- Any vehicle parked so as to constitute a hazard or interfere with college operations may be towed away and impounded at the owner’s risk and expense.
- Parking Decals are NOT transferable between vehicles.
- Hunthausen Way Parking may be limited to daytime parking during the winter for snow removal.
Parking Lots
Student Parking Lots
Student parking areas on campus are reserved 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for students and are never open to visitor parking.
Faculty/Staff Employee Parking Lots
Employee parking lots are reserved for faculty and staff from 7 am–5 pm, M–F. On evenings after 5:00 pm and on the weekends, students and visitors are welcome to park in any of the faculty/staff lots. Vehicles registered to students that are parked in faculty/staff lots between the hours of 7 am–5 pm, M–F, will be ticketed, and may be wheel-locked or towed and impounded at the owner's risk and expense. Please note that there are some days during the academic year, when classes are not in session but the campus is open (such as fall and spring break, parts of winter break, etc.), in which these spaces are still reserved for employees.
Campus Center Visitor Lot
The parking strip closest to Trinity Hall is reserved for Student parking between the hours of 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday. The strip of parking spaces directly east of the median is reserved for Visitor parking between the hours of 7:00 am-5:00 pm Monday-Friday. The remaining parking spaces in this lot (west side of the lot) are reserved for Employee Parking between the hours of 7:00 am-5:00 pm Monday-Friday. The parking spaces on the south end of the campus center are reserved for Facility Vehicles 24/7/365 days a year. Students are not allowed to park in the "Visitor" or "Employee" parking spaces within the campus Center Lot between the hours of 7:00 am-5:00 pm Monday- Friday. This parking lot is heavily patrolled.
After 5:00 pm during the week and all hours on the weekends, the entire Campus Center Lot will be available for Student parking with the exception of the parking spaces on the south side unless reserved for event parking.
PE Center/HAC Parking Lots
The PE Center/HAC Parking Lots are open lots and do not require a permit to park. In order to provide parking for events that are held in the PE Center or Nelson Stadium, vehicles will periodically be asked to be removed from these lots. Vehicles not moved for events will be ticketed and may be wheel-locked or towed and impounded at the owner’s risk and expense. All campers, trailers or RV's must get prior approval to park in this lot from the Director of Athletics.
Corette Library Student Parking Lot
The Corette Library Student Parking Lot is available for parking only with a permit.
Reserved Parking
Parking in Employee Reserved Parking spaces is limited to those individuals assigned to those parking spaces. Reserved parking is from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday whenever the campus is open, except those spaces marked 24 hours. Please note that there are some days when classes are not in session but the campus is open (such as fall and spring break, parts of winter break, summer, etc.), in which these spaces are still reserved for their designated employee. Others are not allowed to park in areas reserved for employees during business hours. Vehicles registered to students that are parked in Employee Reserved Parking spaces will be ticketed, and may be wheel-locking or towed and impounded at the owner’s risk and expense.
Reserved Visitor Parking
Reserved Visitor Parking slots are not for student or employee parking. *Strictly Enforced*
Visitor parking slots are reserved for visitors to campus from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. You can find designated Visitor Parking spaces on the east side of O’Connell Hall. Visitor parking is also allowed during the business day in the upper lot of St. Charles Hall and Campus Center Visitor Lot, or in the PE Center/HAC parking Lots, free of charge. Visitors to campus may also secure a day pass to park in designated lots. Trailers parked in the PE Center/HAC parking Lots must receive permission from the Director of Athletics. Vehicles that are found violating this policy will be ticketed and may be wheel-locked or towed and impounded at the owner’s risk and expense.
Visitor parking is allowed outside of the business day, without a permit, in any of the Faculty/Staff Employee Parking Lots and the Campus Center Visitor Lot from 5:00 pm to 7:00 am, Monday through Thursday, and from 5:00 pm on Friday through 7:00 am on Monday. Student Parking areas are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for students and are never open to visitor parking.
Reserved Adoration Parking
The 2 reserved Adoration Parking spots next to Trinity Hall are not for student or employee parking. These 2 spots are reserved for Adoration guests to the Trinity Chapel 24/7.
Night and Weekend Parking
Parking is allowed outside of the business day, without a permit, in any of the “F/S” Employee Parking Lots, and the Campus Center Pay Lot from 5:00 pm to 7:00 am, Monday through Thursday, and from 5:00 pm on Friday through 7:00 am on Monday. Parking areas requiring an “S” Lot Permit are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and are never open to visitor parking. The PE Center/HAC parking lots are open 24/7 for parking without a permit.
Event Parking
Students and employees may be requested to remove their vehicles from designated parking lots to provide special event parking on campus. For example, event parking is offered for home football games and all vehicles must be cleared from all PE Center Parking Lots by posted times on Friday prior to a home game. Event parking may also be requested for the Campus Center Parking Lot. Failure to remove a vehicle for event parking will result in the vehicle being towed and impounded at the owner’s risk and expense.
Loading or Unloading Vehicles
Vehicles that are temporarily parked next to a building in order to load or unload a vehicle must use their hazard lights or the vehicle will be ticketed. Loading Zone parking is only allowed up to 15 minutes before the vehicle is required to be moved.
Vehicle/Parking Violations
Violation of any of Carroll College's Vehicle Use and Parking Regulations may result in fines, wheel-locking, or towing and impounding the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense, and disciplinary action.
Vehicle/Parking Fines
To support responsible use of a vehicle and campus parking, the first five vehicles or parking fines during an academic year will be issued at the posted amounts. Tickets numbering six through ten during the academic year will be issued at the amount of $50 per ticket. The occurrence of an eleventh ticket during an academic year (August-May) may result in the loss of parking privileges on campus for the remainder of the academic year and possibly permanent loss of parking privileges. The lack of a ticket on your vehicle does not constitute you not having to pay your fine. The posted amounts for the first five tickets issued during an academic year are:
Offense | Minimum Amount |
Incorrect Lot | $20 |
No Permit or Failure to Register Vehicle | $30 |
Illegal Parking (Violations of law, stop sign violation parking/driving on grass or sidewalk, parking the wrong direction, etc.) | $30 |
DMV Check to Identify Vehicle | $30 |
Any Ticket After 5th Ticket | $50 |
Reckless Driving | $50 |
Falsifying or Altering Permit | $50 |
Towing | $150 |
Parking in Emergency Fire Lanes | $50 |
Unauthorized Handicapped Parking | $100 |
Blocking Emergency Vehicles | $200+ |
Parking Ticket Appeals
The driver of a vehicle may file an appeal if they believe they were cited in error. Parking ticket appeals must be submitted via the parking online portal, by email through parking@carroll.edu, or by calling 406-447-4404 within 5 days of the time the ticket is issued. Minimum fines assessed may be increased or additional disciplinary action may be imposed by the College depending on the severity of the situation. The following circumstances are NOT considered to be a valid case for an appeal:
- Lack of legal parking spaces - we do not guarantee parking spaces on campus.
- Lack of convenient parking spaces
- You were running late
- Failure to observe clearly posted signs
- Failure to observe posted parking regulations on this web page
- Lack of funds to pay the fine
Abandoned Vehicles
Unregistered or abandoned vehicles are not allowed on the Carroll College campus. If your vehicle becomes disabled at any time, please contact the Parking Office at 406-447-4404 to make arrangements. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.