Magera Set to Study at Oxford's Exeter College Summer Programme

Heather Magera

One adventurous Carroll student plans to spend her summer 4,500 miles from Helena! Heather Magera, a rising junior majoring in biology, is set to spend her 2024 summer participating in the Exeter College Summer Programme (ECSP) at the University of Oxford.

This prestigious six-week program, exclusive to a select group of institutions including Carroll since 2019, immerses students in the rich academic traditions of Oxford. As a participant, Magera will engage in a rigorous curriculum at one of Oxford's oldest colleges, founded in 1315, where the focus is on small interactive learning groups across various disciplines. 

Students benefit from personalized research opportunities and experience life in the historic Turl Street site and modern Cohen Quadrangle, complete with gothic libraries and formal dining halls. The programme also includes a variety of social activities ranging from sports to cultural outings, enhancing the academic experience with traditional Oxford flair for the talented and diverse cohort of students from around the world.

What led me to apply for this program primarily was the diverse range of classes it offers, which are different from those at Carroll. Additionally, hearing captivating stories from a family friend who pursued a master's degree at Oxford has fueled my fascination with the institution, making me eager to experience it firsthand. The opportunity to learn from esteemed educators in such a renowned setting is truly enticing. What I'm most looking forward to is immersing myself in new experiences and exploring the breathtaking architecture and rich history of a school with roots dating back to 1314. Having never traveled outside the United States before, I'm also eager to delve into the cultural differences between England and the States, fostering a deeper understanding of the world around me.

~ Heather Magera, rising junior, biology/pre-med track, Helena, MT

For more information about the program, contact Carroll College Director of Global Education, Shannon Ackeret, at