Research Opportunities

Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) - The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories. January deadline.

National Science Foundation - Summer Undergraduate Research.  This site posts information about programs around the country.  Interested students can access a list of institutions around the country as well as information on the area of research at the institution and how to contact each institution. 
Search by major - all sciences including social, behavioral and economic sciences - Deadlines Vary - December - April.  Most deadlines fall between January and March 15th. 

McLaughlin Research Institute in Great Falls - Check out opportunities for Undergraduates. Applications for the summer are usually due in late march to early April.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases( - The Summer Internship in Biomedical Research offers students the unique opportunity to join one of the NIAID research laboratories for a minimum of 8 consecutive weeks.

AMGEN Scholars - . See each university's summer research program website for more information.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Our program gives undergraduates an opportunity to spend 10 weeks during the summer doing research as an intern in the lab of a mentor at Janelia Farm.

Mayo Clinic - Mayo Graduate School - College of Medicine - The Summer Lab Science Program offers students the opportunity to gain experience in the clinical laboratory environment by working next to laboratory scientists and professionals on the Mayo Clinic campus.

National Institutes of Health and Human Services (NIH) - Summer Internship Program and Postbacc programs.
The Summer Internship Program (SIP) - SIP welcomes eligible high school, college, graduate, and professional students to spend eight to ten weeks conducting biomedical research with NIH investigators. 

Programs for College Students - The Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) provides up to $20,000 in scholarship support per year to eligible undergraduates who are pursuing degrees in the fields related to biomedical research.  Or contact:  Summer Internship Program

Roswell Park Cancer Institute Summer Research Program - Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI), with funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), offers summer programs designed to provide college juniors an immersive research experience in the biomedical life sciences at an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center.

National Lab Opportunities:

International Summer Research Opportunities

RISE - Research Internships in Science and Engineering - RISE is a summer internship program for undergrad students in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences and engineering.  Summertime internships with german Doctoral students at universities and research institutions - no German required! 

CISEI Program - Run out of UCSB, but is open to applicants from across the US.  The program places undergraduates with an interest in materials and research experience into international labs for the summer.  It has links to sites in Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Chile, China, and England

Pasteur Foundation - Undergraduate Internship Program - located in the heart of Paris, the Institut Pasteur is one of the world's leading biomedical research organizations.  It provides US undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research at one of four labs. Must be completing Junior year to apply. 

Check Opportunities through a Professional Organization

Discipline Specific Professional Associations post summer opportunities and scholarships

Pre-Med Research Opportunities

International Pre-Med Volunteer Opportunities