Campus Ministry

Father Tyler with campus ministry students

Campus Ministry at Carroll College

The mission of Campus Ministry at Carroll is as simple as it is powerful—to share the love of God with all people through worship, evangelization, and service. As part of our diocesan Catholic mission, we believe in conforming our lives to His liberating Truth. And we seek to be transformed through Him so we may joyfully serve the people to whom we are sent.

Through Campus Ministry, you’ll be able to do all of these things and more.

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Faith in Action

Rooted in the faith and teachings of the Catholic Church, Carroll College has at its heart the Gospel impetus to "make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19). The Christian values underlying our mission include the respect and love for each person in his or her human dignity as created in the image and likeness of God, and the call to new life in Christ. Students of all faith backgrounds are welcomed and invited to grow in the spiritual life. At Carroll, Catholic social teachings are put into action. The result: an engaged student body committed to helping others in the strength of the Lord. 

We coordinate several retreats throughout the year as a way for you to set aside time to encounter more fully the person of Jesus Christ. These are opportunities to engage your faith and share powerful moments with fellow students of many backgrounds. Some of these include Freshman Retreat, Sophomore Retreat, our Search Retreats, and the Men's and Women's Retreats.

There are opportunities for regular service outreach through the Hunthausen Center for Peace and Justice (CPJ). CPJ also offers Service Saturday events where large groups of students can serve through various organizations around Helena. Our "Caritas" Spring Headlights Immersion Trips happen every spring break and take students to different parts of the country to serve alongside existing ministries which are walking with people dealing with economic, educational, and social disadvantages. Recent trips have taken students to East Los Angeles, California; Denver, Colorado; and Chicago, Illinois.

Our hearts are restless until we rest in Him. We worship God because this is what we were made for. We continually turn to the Lord for strength and in gratitude, in the knowledge that He is God and we are not. We offer Him the "sacrifice of praise" (Heb 13:15) in the celebration of the Eucharist that Jesus instituted. We celebrate Mass several times per week, and we've renovated our chapel to accomodate larger numbers due to the hundreds of students-of all backgrounds-who come together for the Sunday liturgy. 

Men’s and women’s formation groups at Carroll provide settings in which each gender can explore questions and issues relevant to their journey in walking with Christ. Women at the Well is a women’s group that gathers to grow in faith and fellowship. COR is a men’s group seeking real relationships that are rooted in Christ.

Peer Ministers
Peer Ministers are students who live in the residence halls and strive to build community and create a positive atmosphere for fellow students by encouraging them to embrace their relationship with God during their time at Carroll and beyond.

FOCUS Missionaries
We have four F.O.C.U.S. (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionaries on campus who accompany our students, and provide fellowship, discipleship, and faith formation through weekly bible studies. FOCUS is a national Catholic collegiate outreach organization. We regularly take may students to FOCUS's SEEK Conference to join in fellowship with tens of thousands of other college students from around the country to hear world-class Catholic speakers and worship together. 

To learn more about Campus Ministry, contact our Campus Ministry staff.